My background

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Different than people thinks, I don't really libe in a good environment. My sister wants me to get hit by a bus, and treat me no better than a dog. I still have to love her, even though she hates me. Mostly because Im a Christian.

I was born in korea, moved to America when I was 3rd grade, to California, Phelan. I wasn't very good at English, so I stayed quite most of the time. I was glad to find a friend who actually bothered to think I existed. Well, I just hoped I realized that she was just useing me all those years.

She only bothered to be with me because I bought them snacks from my precious money that I hardly got. We were pretty poor, and we tried to earn money and keep money as much as we can. But I spended on some diva.

My sister was also a problem to money. She was always complaining, and asked again and again for a phone. Apparently, her friends were rich, and had no problems like us. Since she was older, she became like one of those diva and girly people.

As you can see, I am a major tomboy. I didn't really understand why girls liked dresses, shoes, and talk about boys and how they want to have bigger boobs-_- So most of the time I tried to play sports with the guys, but back at korea, we didn't really play sports but running. No sports team for it though.

So I didn't know the rules to soccer, football, or anything! But I do know basketball because my sister used to do it a lot. She's pretty good at it too, but she quit because she was getting lazy.

Am I good at it? No. I mean, I can dribble, both left and right, and I can shoot them, but it just dosen't seems like it's for me. So anyways, because I didn't really understand the rules, I was back to talking about girly things that I never understand.

I used to like this dude, now I call "turtle tree", because he is tall and looks like a turtle, and Itold one person, and after 15 minutes, everyone knew, including turtle tree. I didn't really care, because I knew that he doesn't like me and all so I just got over him. Very fast.

After half way going through my 4th grade, I suddenly moved to Los Angeles, Korea Town. I saw a lot of koreans in the school and I met some friends to hang out. And the bad, bad news was, there was no tomboy. At all.

That includs my friends. They liked to do this little game, something like pretending to be fairys or something? I hated it. So most of the time I didn't do my homework so I would stay in for recess. I think my teacher knew what I was doing, because he didn't take off my points for doing it late. I really would rather be writing vocabulary for the spelling test, than be outside doing something like destroying the evil queen or whatever.

I guess my friends weren't very smart, because before the last day of school they were put in the lowest class. I never noticed that I was actually smart, because I was put in the highest class! Well, when I knew that I wished that my teacher did taake off points, because I hated that teacher.

Luckily, I didn't have to go to that school anymore because we had to move back to Phelan, because my parents were getring divorced after my dad left us to korea. My mom told me that she's going to live with us again later, which was a lie. We were back to our grandparents house, which I hate because they treat us like slaves, and take better care of their dog.

My dad came back few months later and now, I live like this to this very day. Oh! And I didn't go back to my old school(^_^) and instead I went to an AWESOME school that nothing bad happened. Really, there was actually tomboys there=D I met Master Coffee (the master part came because we have this joke where im her slave), and Jellybean (her name siunds like that).

I didn't understand why, but I kept seeing this guy(Lemonhead) al the time. I started to have feelings for him, since I thought he was cute, but never really had the chance to talk to him. We had different classes and all, but my guy friends knew him and once in a while I heard his name.

Now we 5th graders joined Middle School, and became 6th graders=D And I freaked out when I saw Lemonhead in the same class as me in math⊙.⊙ Well, only math. And I had a feeling that I was going to love math more than I did before.

We weren't very close until we actually talked to each other, by a little help from Showoff(even though she didn't know that I liked him), and we became good friends. But we were friends a bit late. It was almost the end of school and we got our yearbooks. He didn't get a yearbook so I couldn't sign his, but I made him sign mine.

Im the type to be straight foward, so I kept telling him to sign my yearbook while he was looking through it. He was being so cute when I pretended that there was some sort of secret in the back of the book, and he was....well, being cute^_^;

The next day I told him that there was nothing really in the back of the book, except it had something to fill out like "your friends" or "most embarrassing thjng that happened" and stuff. He was in the list of my friends

Right when I was about to leave the class, he stopped me and said, "I'm happy that Im your friend." Some people mihht think something like, "Im friend zoned
ㅠ.ㅠ" but what I think is its better to have someone you like in your life, even if its just a friend.

This year, Lemonhead isn't in any of my class. But something else happened. So before the first day of school, me and my sister was going to sleep at my sister's friend house. We slept there before and all, and I dont really have a problem with it. Except..... there was something I didn't know.

So the exact same thing happened to me like what happened to me and Lemonhead. I kept seeing this guy and, well, I thought he was cute. Like, a lot. And I was looking through the yearbook and all, because that reminded me, who was the brother?

I know he's same age as me, goes to the same school as me, but I never seen him! Well, I forgot his name and how he look later. So I oooked for my sister's friend, looked at the lastname, and it was the same as the guy.

I freaked out. Im just sitting there thinking 'So that's why he looks at me few times!' And I froze. That means I've been ignoring him for a year. Shoot. I have to see him. In the same house. For 2 days. No escape.

But soon we were good, and actually, we were more close than last year!^_^ So I learned more about him and we seem to have a lot in common. And I kind of like him. And he started to call me Noodlehead, which is the nickname for him.

It was weird. I only knew him a little and it seems like we were close friends. He even showed me his secret fort that he made himself, and he said not to tell anyone too. He trusts me, and I could tell that he tried to impress me since he was keep asking me, "So, do you like it?" Or maybe he was just trying to be a conversation starter.

After that we went to this baseball field and his little sister and I were trying to figure out who he likes. I don't know how it got into that conversation but still. His little sister and I went into the car and she told me who Noodlehead likes(well, who she thinks^_^;)! They were all divas-_-

On the first day, I didn't have any classes with him, like Lemonhead, but I did have PE with him the next day. But what happened was that I went up to him and said hi, and he looked at me like I was a complete stranger. And he ranway to his little group of friends. That kind of hurt.

He still ignores me and I do to, but I don't want to. Im just showing respect I guess. I mean, think about it, you were ignoring someone and that person just keeps talking to you, would you like it? No, you would hate that person.

Well I don't want him to hate me so, Im just going to ignore him too. But, suprisingly, I like someone else, too. Well, I call him Puppyface, because he looks like a puppy, he actually has most of my classes! And now my friend, H(there was a better nickname but its korean so^_^;), who is also korean, told infront of everyone, that I like him.

I don't mind though, if he asks, I'll just say, "Don't sweat it. I know you dont like me, so you dont have to mind much." And I hope that this wont make anything ackward, I hate that.

So that's what happened lately, I'll probably publish the next chapter on January 4th, which is when i go back to school, so wait until my next chapter. Hope you enjoyed, make sure you vote if you like it^_^ Comment if you have any questions or suggestions, thank you and hope you have a nice day~

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