It All Comes Back

Start from the beginning

"Daddy I'm scared." she said burying her head in my shoulder, her sobs becoming louder. "What if I die"

"Hey baby, look at me" I said lifting her head "Look at me if you do die, we will still be so proud of you for putting up one hell of a fight and we will never forget you. And as your father I will do anything and I mean anything to keep you alive because I'm not going to lose you." I squeezed her a little tighter and put her down on the ground and then Colette came in.

"I see Avia's told you." she said noticing the tears rolling down my face

"Yeah, yeah. What do we do now?" I asked

"Well will have to call the school and let them know that it's back and that she'll try to finish out the year but they shouldn't penalize her if she can't. The doctor wants her in tomorrow for port surgery and to start treatment on Saturday, he said the sooner he starts her on it the better chance she has of surviving it." Colette said sighing

I pulled Colette into a hug and told everything would be okay, she already lost her mom to cancer as a child and now her oldest daughter was fighting death for the second time. I then picked Avia up and hugged her again, tears were still rapidly flowing down her face and right now she needed somebody to be there for her. Once we finished our little crying session and re grouped I said "Should we tell the kids now?"

"I mean there all home, and I guess there's no time like the present." Colette said sighing

"Alright let's go round them up." I said ushering Avia and Colette out the door

I went over to the speaker that ran through the whole house and yelled "Family meeting in the living room in 5 minutes." Ahh modern technology I thought

Avia went and grabbed a piece of watermelon and glass of soda before sitting down on the couch next to me and Colette.

5 minutes later our four other children came bustling in, their world about to be shattered. Gavin saw Avia sitting next to us and knew today was a scan day, I could he was silently praying that her cancer didn't return and that her scans were nothing related to the family meeting we were about to have.

"Alright kids settle down, settle down." Colette said

"Are you pregnant?!" Emmi yelled excitedly

"No I'm not pregnant." Colette said laughing. Although I'm sure we wished were telling the kids she was pregnant.

"Alright so if you guys maybe remember Avia had her one year scans to see it the cancer had returned and we got the results back and unfortunately it has returned." I said holding onto Colette's hand and wrapping my arm around Avia and squeezing her shoulder her as she was trying to not cry once again.

Gavin was the first to respond, he immediately got up and wrapped Avia hug, he told he was going to be there for her just like he was last time. That brought some comfort to her and she smiled back at him and thanking him. Brock was next he was four at the time Avia was first diagnosed and now he was 6, he and Avia still had an amazing bond and he always hated it when she was upset. He came over and climbed onto her wrapping her in a hug and began crying himself, Avia rubbed his back and told him that she would be fine and that she promised that once the meeting was over she'd play legos with her. Daxton looked fairly confused and then there was Emmi who looked sad and annoyed at the same time.

"Emmi are you okay?" Colette asked noticing Emmi's silence

"No, we finally go back to normal and all of us kids are finally getting equal attention and now your not going to pay attention to us because all your gonna worry about is her!" she yelled tears streaming down her face

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