We have been busy this morning since the fair is going on this week and it is making the pain worsen as the hours have passed. So many people coming through the doors. All the waitresses on duty barely have time to take a breath. Rushing back and forth from the kitchen with dirty dishes and hot meals ready to be served.

After clearing off a table and readying it for the next customers to use, I hear the door open and turn to see Ryan and a few of his friends walking in. I feel my face heat up already. 

How does he even know I even work here?!

Oh God, I hope he doesn't notice my face. Crap my eye! Oh no! 

He gives me a breath taking smile, giving me a wink before they all take a seat in a booth. Good he doesn't see yet.


Turning back to the table give I give it a good wipe down with the rag in my hand before carrying the bin of used dishes to the kitchen.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see the other waitress on duty, Claire, practically running to their table is desperation. I cannot help roll my eyes. 

She is one of the towns notorious buckle bunnies. I don't think there isn't a man in this town that hasn't tasted her carrots. Well, all the schmucks have anyways. She is tall, long legs, shoulder length blond hair, with bright blue eyes and a slender figure.

And easy as they come....

"Alaina!" Claire hisses, stomping her way towards me just as I come back out of the kitchen and grab the coffee pot. Someone has just pissed in her cheerio's.

"What?!" I snap as I put the pot onto the warmer. 

Her and I have had plenty of go arounds over the years. She used to bully me until one day I just couldn't take it any more and I beat the living shit out of her. 

Now, she tries to stay away from me for the most part. She still likes to test her limits every now and again and I put her in her place.

"That table asked for you to be their waitress for some stupid reason!" She glares at me pointing to the table where Ryan and his two friends are sitting. All three of them listening with curious ears and trying to hold in their laughs of amusement.

"Is there something else you'd like to say to me?" I growl. She is only few inches taller than me and our chests are touching as I get in her face.

"N-no, that's it." She practically whimpers after seeing the menacing look in my eyes.

"Good." I walk around her bumping her shoulder as I pass and make my way towards the guys table. The small bump hurt my ribs but it was worth it.

I love scaring her.

I give the guys a warm smile as I approach. "Hello, boys. I'm Alaina, and I will be your waitress. What would you gentlemen like to drink?" I ask handing them all a menu. 

I make sure Ryan can't see my bad eye and pray the other guys don't say anything.

"Well, I'm not eating right at the moment. I am saving my appetite for my date." Ryan says with a smirk.

"Good thing she already ate." I reply, cockily. His smile falls and his other two friends are cracking up on his behalf.

"I like her already." Cowboy A with the brown hat says.

"Me too. Better than that buckle bunny we met in California. God. She was just an awful woman." Cowboy B with the black hat says as he shivers in disgust. I see Ryan shift uncomfortably in his seat and his face starts turning red. I can't help but laugh.

8 Second Ride COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now