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I picked my bag up and run out of the class, eager to get out of there. As I made my way down to the front gates through the whole school, I couldn't help but get too excited for tomorrows Halloween. I wondered what our plans are seen as we haven't made any yet. People kept bumping into me not even apologizing, making me aggravated. God people can be so rude sometimes... I finally made my way towards the gates with who else than Vicky and Joey, standing there chatting away as they wait for me. We've basically grown up together and yes, as any good healthy friendships, we've had our ups and downs but we'll always have our backs. We're like sisters since any of us don't have any siblings except Joey, she has a little 2 year old brother. All of us are 15 years old and Vicky is turning 16 in two months, she's the oldest, then me and then Joey.

'Hey guys! So what are we doing tomorrow!?' I exclaimed

'Heeey!' The both shouted back at me

'And what? Its school day, Friday, tomorow. Right?' Said Vicky boringly. (if that's even a word)

 They forgot! How could they? I laughed to myself before replying

'Oh come on! You both Forgot or just plainly pretending?' I answered.

'Huh?'  They replied like I just asked them is they wanted to jump off a bridge with me?

'HA! So you really forgot! It's Halloween!' I said as an echo of 'ooohh's' followed.

'Let's do some trick or treating and then munch out while watching some horrors? I really cannot be bothered for any parties or anything? And free sweets right!? Who cares we're not 10?' continued Joey as we started walking towards the road...

'Hmm.. Unless we find a better idea, we might aswell do that' was my reply

'True' was Vicky's reply because our minds really were not working properly anymore after the long day at school. Today really did seem like it  was longer than any other days... Weird.

'Hey, was it just me or did today seem a lot longer than any other days?' said Joey, voicing my thoughts out loud

'Girl, I swear you read my mind' I shook my head as we started chatting away again about bunch or random stuff.

We walked home together to and from school because we all lived on the same road. Our school was 20 minutes away so we walked...We allready walked about  10 minutes without speaking trying to focus on what we're going to do just as we walked into Roley Road, we walked as I observed the houses... Whoever lived in the must have been filthy rich because they looked huge, with huge garages and those who didn't  have a garage had at least two expensive cars parked in front of their entrance such as Lamborgini or BMW or others...  We walked till we got to this really old looking house, it looked abandoned and it was weird that it was especially on this road? So I stopped.

'Guys,does anyone live there?' I asked Vicky and Joey pointing to the freaky house...It really was scary...

'Nahh, I dont think so. Why?' replied Joey

'i was just thinkink we could-

'NOOO!' shouted Vicky... While me and Joey just glared at her with our mouths opened...She was usually the calm one! She hardly spoke and when she screamed she had a proper reason...

Please vote and coment on what you think of it? good or bad? and if bad what could i change on it?

PLEASE! I need your advice on what you think! 

Halloween Sisters...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें