Chapter 2: Night-Time Conversations

Start from the beginning

"Do we have an agreement?" I said again, blinking back the tiredness as I tried to keep my frustration at bay.

He tapped a long, elegant finger on his chin as he seemed to contemplate my words.


He moved from the ledge and stood up fully, straightening his black double breasted waistcoat.
It was the first time I paid attention to his clothes, and I didn't know why it took so long for me to notice.

He wore a simple white dress shirt with a crimson neck tie under his waistcoat, and long black trousers. Something niggled at the back of my mind as I tried but failed to put his clothes to an exact era.

Who knew how long he had been a resident of this lonely house?
Unfortunately history had never been one of my strongest points.

My gaze didn't go unnoticed by the ghost as he walked towards me. I was about to take a step back when he got too close to comfort but he stopped just shy of it.

"Cease your staring. It is very unbecoming."

There was his way of talking too and the aristocratic accent that accompanied his words as he spoke.
Call it intuition, I was certain that he had died quite a while ago.

Fingers covered my vision before they snapped together making me jump and stumble back a couple of steps, nearly causing me to lose my balance.
Like before Cole had managed to come close to where I was and scatter my wits while I was in deep thought.

My eyebrows knitted together as I sent a small glare his way, scowling a little when I saw amusement swim in his eyes.

"When did you die?"

The words were out of my mouth before I could even gather my thoughts.

I took a step back away from him, as the remnants of amusement vanished from his expression only to make room for anger.

"You are far too curious for your own good." The tone of his voice hadn't changed but his words still brought a chill to the room no heat could distinguish.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, trying not to let the fear leak into my voice as unbidden thoughts of various different and painful ways of dying coming to mind.

At this he raised his eyebrow- something he seemed to do a lot around me- and stood up straighter.

"Do? Nothing. I was merely stating a fact."

I wanted to bang my head against the nearest wall for jumping to conclusions so quickly. So far the ghost had done nothing to me. I really needed to get a grip of myself and stop becoming so afraid so easily.

"If you are to be the occupant of this house, I would like some of my questions answered." He stated.

I relaxed slightly as he took a few steps back and began pacing my room with his hands clasped behind his back. I shifted slightly so I was facing him. No sound was made as he walked, and I would have been almost fooled that this was a real person in front of me, if it weren't for the ablaze hearth I could just make out through him.

"I'd like some of my own answered too." I said as I followed him with my eyes.

He nodded his head without stopping, surprising me with his complacency, "As you wish."
He stopped pacing and faced me instead, his green eyes staring at me intensely, making it hard for me not to squirm under his heated gaze.
He crossed his arms over his chest as he took a couple of steps backwards, towards the fireplace.

My eyes widened with panic, "Be careful! You're going to get burnt!"

His eyes widened a fraction, a look of surprise painted on his features as he stopped just a foot away from the fireplace.
The look was quickly replaced by curiosity, and too late did I realise my mistake when he continued backwards and passed through the flames and disappeared into the wall.

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