Chapter 2: The Queen's judgement of the girls.

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Author Note: To all my readers, Followers and to all my FB friends this is the second, chapter of my, Nigerian, story I know, please vote, Comment or if you like, what you read, follow thank you very much.Beautiful_girl.

Then we saw, the maids and, guards bowing and, straightening their posture, as if judgement day or the almighty God, himself was here.

"My Princes, how are you, today?."

A female voice, ask. It was the Queen.

"We are all, great, my Queen."

They all reply, with a sweet smile, and, kisses on her cheek, one by one.

"Now Prince, Ekene, I heard that, you got your, wallet, back the, one you had, gave up all,hope, on not finding again, but I did tell you, you would get it back, somehow."

She told him, as she gave him, a hug.

"So  where, are the young ladies, that return, your, wallet for, you?."

She asks, looking around, maybe, to see some fine, good looking and sophisticated, young girls but instead she saw, us.

"My prince you, mean, these peasant girls, is the young ladies, that returned your wallet and my, prince did you, check that the correct amount of money, was in there?."

She asks.

"Yes,  your Majesty, I did check, and it was correct, and your majesty one favor, please will it be possible for these kind young girls, to have dinner with us, tonight?."

Prince Ekene, asks, with a sweet smile.

"Prince, Ekene, look at those, peasant girls how, can you not, see that those girls are from, the gutters, my prince?."

"Also the answer, to your question, is no, you want to shame, me and your father the King!."

She, reply, as if she wanted, to Slap, prince Ekene.

"Girls!" you all, will go immediately, after my son, here prince Ekene, hand you your, reward, OK, right?."

"Have I made, myself clear?!."  She asks, shouting, with the most disgusting look, on, her, face.

She turns, and walk, away, inside the palace, followed by her, maids.

"I'm afraid, we won't be, able to have, dinner with you, and your family tonight, your highness, but definitely some, other times, if at that time, the offer will still stand?."

Ifyeoma, and I, told prince Ekene, truthfully, because we needed to book, the hotel rooms, and also talk about our next plan, and what, we're going to, do and etc..

"That's OK, girls, and don't pay my mother, any mind, and ladies, will  you please call me prince Ekene, and leave the your, highness thing, out of it OK, thanks."

Prince Ekene, stated.

"As you wish, my prince." We all reply.

"Oh, and before, I forget, ladies I have got something for, you."  Prince Ekene exclaim.

"Ikemba!" come here."

"Right away my prince."  Ikemba reply.

"Ikemba, go in the, basement room, and take, one of the small cartons, box and carry it here, to me."

Ikemba, left, but was, back in a couple, minutes time with, a small carton, box, which he handed to the prince, Ekene.

"Here you go, your highness."

EKene, took the carton, box, from Ikemba, and handed it to me, as he stood up.

"Here you go, young ladies, "Ifeoma, Ijeoma, Chioma,  "is it Ullama?" Mercy and Adaezie?."

He called out, all our names.

"Did I pass, the name test, ladies?." He asks smiling, sweetly.

"Yes, you did, pass the name test, my prince, you almost forgot Ullama's, name, thank, God you remember it soon enough, and thanks for the reward, we must be going now."

We told him.

"Hold on ladies, I will let my private, driver take, you to your, hotel OK."

"Thanks for that, my prince."

"No Problem, young ladies and you do deserve it very richly too."

After, he told his driver, to take us to the hotel we bid him goodbye, but not for long, though, because, very soon, in a couple days time, we all had the best, handsets and  also, our, own mansion, our reward was a hefty, one million Niaras, we couldn't believe it that we, turn millionaires, by finding Prince Ekene's, wallet, on the first, day here in Lagos, city.....





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