I sat there for good half hour before standing up and going to my room. When I was there i saw myself in the mirror. I had a bloody lip and a bruise on my left cheek. I slightly pulled up my shirt and I could see all the bruises on my stomach I tried to see the bruise from my back of the belt and the thing was massive. I decided to not waste my tears but for more hard i tried they would just come out. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone.

From: Chris. 7:43pm

From: Chris. 7:44 pm

From: Chris. 7:45pm

From: Chris. 7:46pm

I had so many messages from Chris. What in the world does he wants. I didn't answered because honestly I'm not in a good mood and instead just putted my phone on the night stand next to my bed.

I started thinking of the possible ways to cover the massive bruise on my cheek. It makes it way more difficult that I don't have makeup since my parents don't buy me (it's not that I expect them to) so i just decided to let my straight hair down with a beanie on and keeping the head down as much as I can. With that set, I grabbed a t shirt, some sweats and of course my underwear because I'm going to take a shower. I feel so gross right now.

After that, I wasn't really taking as an option to go downstairs to eat dinner. Of course I am hungry, but I don't want more beat ups so I guess I can wait. I dried my hair and leaved it down. I walked to my not so comfy bed and laid there scrolling with my earphones on and listening music.

Music, is my scape from the living hell I'm going through. For more crazy it sounds, I feel like I don't need to tell the music my problems for it to understand me. It's just a home. You can always find the correct song for every mood you have, wether you're happy or sad, mad or confused it always has the answer. Well almost always... But have for sure it's an escape from reality that will be there not matter what.

...Sometimes it all gets a little to much
But you gotta
Realize that soon the fog will clear up
And you don't have to, be afraid
Because we're all the same
And we know that Sometimes it all get a little to much...

I started humming along the song. It's honestly one of the couple things that give me hopes and make me believe everything will get better.

And like that, humming to all the songs that I have my eyes slowly started closing and my breathing slowed down, soon enough I was sleeping

"What the..." I thought to myself. I was in the middle of somewhere. Everything was black and there was only an orange and red light.

"Help me!" I heard a male voice scream so desperate.

"Please help me" the scream became worse.

"Where are you?" I yelled trying to find someone but it was impossible. The darkness of the room didn't help me, the only thing that help me see was the red and orange lights.

"Help me" it continues to scream. My heart was beating fast and I was so scared. I noticed there was a red door at the end of  corridor. I started running towards the door but it seemed so far. A few steps away I noticed there was a hole in the ground and some hand gripping hard the floor. I looked inside the hole and Chris was there, he was the one screaming for help. He was the one gripping the floor because he didn't wanted to fall inside.

"Chris!" I exclaimed. I tried grabbing his Hand and pushing him back up but it was impossible, my hand went through his as if i was a ghost. His hand started to slowly lose the grip.

"Grace help me. Where are you!" He screamed so desperate.

"I'm here can't you see me?" I said trying to grab his hand. He couldn't see me and it killed me. By now I was crying. His hand suddenly lost the grip and he started falling.

"Help me!" He was screaming.

"Chris!" I started crying trying to go into the stupid hole but it didn't let me.

"Chris" I let out waking up from the nightmare. I was sweating, my heart was beating fast and I was crying. That was the worst nightmare I have ever had.

I quickly grabbed my phone and entered to Instagram typing in the searching bar Chris' username because I don't follow him, I'm a little embarrassed to. I checked the last picture he posted and it was an hour ago. It somehow calms me down but not enough.

I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I was scared of the nightmare continuing, it was horrible.

Authors note:
Word count: 1367

Hello my loyal readers!

Sorry for the boring and shirt chapter, I promise it gets better(:

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Remember you're beautiful and that I love you<3


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