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"So what's the C-virus?" Leon asks.

"The C-virus is a highly deadly virus that turns humans into mutants not walkers but mutants. Once your a mutant its almost impossible to change back to your natural form. I know you guys are going to think that I'm crazy but sometimes it helps when you have someone that you love with you when your a mutant trying to turn human again."

"Are you serious don't you dare say 'true love fixes everything' cause it sure as heck don't seem like it at all." Leon said I knew what he meant too. He loved his sister a lot and so did I, I mean we were so close we were probably the closes cousins could get well except for Alaina and Lynn they were tight. But Leon and Lynn were the closest you could get you would think that since they are brother and sister that they would fight a lot but they actually always had each other's backs through everything. It was pretty cool but now there isn't much to say about it without making everyone think of Lynn.

"Look I'm not saying that it fixes everything and I feel the same way you do you lost your sister and I lost my brother. We are going to move on sooner our later." Right when he said that Leon through him up against a wall then said...

"Maybe I prefer later. If I can ever get over it that is." He let go of Albert and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have even brought it up are we cool?"

"Yeah for now anyways." Leon said giving Albert the side eye. Albert looked at Leon with a scared look on his face but it quickly went back to a normal face. I kind of laughed a little bit then he looked at me and kind of laughed too. All I know is this guy better not start crushin on me because I am Blake's girl and Blake is my man.

"Hey Albert what was your brother like?" I simply asked trying to get a conversation going.

"Um he was very smart even though he doesn't like to show it in front of very many people. He always had his bad boy thing going on in front of girls that he liked a little but none of it really worked out for him. He is good at being a bad boy though for the inner geek he has hidden under all of that."

"Oh so does he still act like a bad boy?"

"Not very much cause its just been me and him no girls around at all unless they are walkers."

"What do you mean by not very much?"

"What I mean is he still wears the bad boy clothes even for his pajamas."

"What are bad boy pajamas like? Do they have skulls on them or um all black or what are they like just tell me so I don't keep making a fool out of myself." He laughed after I said that and then he continued to speak.

"Well they normally have just sweat pants on."

"Wait you mean no shirt at all? Just sweat pants?"

"Yeah just sweat pants no shirt. Sometimes they wear them really low too not to where you could see anything but to where you can see their whole back."

"Oh no one wears anything like that out of all of the guys in our group." I say looking back at all of the guys that came in the house and aren't on watch duty.

"Oh well I guess no one will now." He says with a laugh.

"So tell me about yourself now." I say looking at him with wonder filling my eyes.

"Okay well what would you like to know?"

"Um well how long have you been a scientist?"

"Oh wow um I have been a scientist for about 10 years now."

"Well dang dude how old are you?"

"I'm almost 35 years old so I am 34 at the moment."

"Oh dang you sure don't look that old. So when is your birthday?"

"My birthday is January 18th."

"Oh sweet my friend Sami over there is turning 17 on January 19th."

"Oh cool mine and her birthdays are just a day apart."

"Yep. So tell me what you were doing in the laboratory like what was your job?"

"Oh um my job was to clean up everything, help some guys create the virus and then help some of the guys make a vaccine for the virus."

"Wait so you know how to make the vaccine?"

"Yes but the thing that was always missing was some blood from the one of the 2 people who are immune and I have yet to have been told or yet to figure it out myself."

"Well what do you need to figure it out yourself?"

"I would need that laboratory and almost everything in it cause all the vaccine needs it their blood but first we would have to figure it out."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Nope I need all of their research to find out who the 2 people are they did tell me that one is a girl and one is a boy though."

"Well that helps a whole lot don't it." I asked with an annoyed voice.

"Okay I know that it doesn't help much but hey at least we know that there can't be more than one immune girl or one immune boy."

"And what if there is more than one?"

"Well then we will have to do that test unless I can find out on the computer in the laboratory. But I would need you guys to take me there if you want to find out for yourselves too cause I am terrified to go in there alone."

"Okay well maybe I will see what I can do to talk my team into taking you there but I know for a fact that I am going. Also Fatima, Max, Leon, Sami, Blake, Conley, Tony, Chris, Hannah T., you, Ramona, Nathan, and William are going to go too. So that right there would probably be enough don't you think?"

"Yeah that would be plenty actually."

"Okay good we will leave some people to stay and watch the house while the rest of us go. Does that sound good to you so that your house will still be your house once you get back?"

"Yeah it does so when are you going to talk to everyone?"

"Oh I'm not going to be the one to do the talking."

"Oh really, then who is?"

"Leon will he is kind of like our new leader."

"Okay so when are you going to get him to say something?"

"In about 2 minutes just sit here and wait while I handle this." With that I get up out of my chair and start making my way towards Leon.

"He Leon I want you to know something that I think would be a great idea."

"Okay what is it?"

"Well Albert said that he could find the cure or the vaccine whatever you want to call it if we found out who the 2 people are that are completely immune and the cure to all of this on one of the computers in the laboratory. So I was thinking that we could take him to the lab and let some people stay back here to make sure he has a house to come back to later on."

"Okay wait a second."

"Okay." I go back and sit down next to Albert and look at him then smile.

"In 3, 2, 1." I say then I point towards the coffee table that Albert has in the living room where me and Leon were just talking and everyone was hanging around at for a while before they had to go back on watch duty.

"Hey everyone listen up. Our buddy Albert here thinks that he can find a cure to this as long as we can get him back to his laboratory that he was working at before this whole virus broke out. So who wants to go and who wants to stay here and watch the house while we are gone?" The people that are staying here are Payton, Zach, Hannah E., Daniel, Hannah K., Katie, Katelynn, Emily, Shae, Jackson, Tyler, Dawson, Maria, Mia, Alaina, and Dustin. The last 3 didn't really have a choice on if they were coming or not but we had everyone else going and now we were packing some stuff for the trip.

Abby's outfit at the top.

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