Chapter 2

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The two captains sat in one of Tortuga's many bars, Selene slipping around and talking to the many pirates she knew to try gain some form of information about the whereabouts of Jack's ship. Jack, on the other hand, was buying rum like crazy and trying to pick fights with some of the men.

Selene sighed as she leaned back in her chair, causing the man across from her to chuckle. The older man took a sip of his drink as he kept his eyes on her.

"Why are you helping him?" He questioned quietly as he turned to watch Jack.

Selene sighed again, "I have absolutely no idea."

The man chuckled lightly at the silver eyed woman's response.

"I don't know Silver, you keep this up and people will start to think that you f-," He stopped as he caught Selene's outraged face. He quickly jumped up, gave her a fatherly kiss on the forehead and ran out before Selene could make him pay for his comment.

"Teague!" She yelled out at his retreating figure.

Selene glared at his figure on last time and rolled her eyes when Jack didn't even notice his father run past him. The silver eyed woman slipped towards the bar, avoiding the many fights between pirates and non-pirates alike as she ordered another cup of rum.

The bartender gave the drink to her right as Jack came sliding down the counter top; stopping only once he hit the ground on the other end.

Selene rose a delicate brow and sighed. "I'll get him out of here," she grumbled to the bartender.

The older man sent her a grateful look as she slung one of Jack's arms over her shoulders and lead him back towards The Beautiful Trap. Once on deck, she half-carried half-dragged him into her quarters, so she could clean his many wounds from the broken glass and his multiple fights.

She carefully cleaned all the wounds, seemingly unbothered by the simple fact that Jack was half naked in front her as she worked. Once done, she then wrapped the entirety of Jack's chest in white bandages.

Jack had watched her quietly the whole time, and he couldn't help but marvel at how gracefully her fingers moved as she worked.

"Done staring yet?" Her voice was soft, yet she still managed to drawl out her words as she spoke.

Jack felt himself flush and he gave a quick thank you and left, leaving an amused Selene behind.


The first mate stood at the helm, keeping the ship on course as Selene and Jack were sparing. As expected by the crew, Selene had Jack on the ground easily -which came as a shock to the male captain.

"Okay luv, I admit it. You are a better swordsman-err woman."

Selene smiled and offered him a hand up and they walked down towards the helm to decide the next town they would stop and try to discover the whereabouts of The Black Pearl.

Selene sighed as she drew the sunset around the mast of the ship calmly. Completely and utterly relaxed, until Jack sat down beside her.

"I have a question," he started.

"Surprise surprise." She commented dully.

He shot her an annoyed look and continued,"how old are you?"

Selene stopped in the middle of shading to send Jack a strange look, "why?"

"Because I'm curious."

Selene huffed and looked out at the sea, "twenty-three."

Jack's smirk turned smug. Selene noticed this and laughed then continued finishing her drawing.

"Would you ever consider doing a drawing of me?" Jack asked suddenly.

Selene rose an eyebrow and nodded slowly, "sure. I'll do one tomorrow. Night Jack."

"Night luv." Jack mumbled as he took out his compass and watched it spin towards a direction he had trouble believing.

Jack shook his head in disbelief, then closed the compass with a snap.

Stupid thing had to be lying, Jack never wanted a woman more than rum, his ship, and the open sea.


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