Chapter 6

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Selene opened her eyes to find herself swinging lightly in a hammock, rocking to the ship. She sat up slowly, and found Jack sprawled out in a chair after looking around. His shirt was off and the pirate was completely relaxed. She quietly tiptoed to his desk, and grabbed a paper and a pencil. Moving around until she found a good angle, she watched him to make sure he didn't wake up.

With the right angle found, she began to draw. Her hand moving quickly and surely as she lost herself in an old past time. He was easy to draw as always, having drawn him so many times she knew she could do it in her sleep. As much as she hated him, she missed moments like these. When she could draw him and he wouldn't move as they sat - or stood in his case sometimes - in content silence.

Jack woke to the light sound of a pencil on paper, so he kept still. He knew the consequences of moving while she was drawing, so he sat there in silence, relishing in something that the two used to do all the time. Suddenly a knock was at the door, taking every bit of practice Jack had in staying still to not jump.

"You can talk, but don't open your eyes," her voice was slightly muffled as she continued to draw.

"You may enter my presence!" Jack called out, causing a snort of humor to slip out of Selene.

Gibbs rushed in talking quickly.

"Calm yourself Master Gibbs, I can't understand you."

Gibbs took a deep breath and said, "Miss Selene is missing. Some of us are worried someone did something to her."

"I am fine, Master Gibbs," Selene commented from her perch on one of the many trunks.

"Can I move now?" Jack asked, completely ignoring Gibbs' dropped jaw.

"One minute," Selene muttered as she put the finishing touches on the picture. "Now you can move."

Jack stood up and stretched.

"Capt'n, why ya be shirtless in front of a lady?" Gibbs asked.

"Because I was asleep," was Jack's simple response as he began getting dressed.

After placing the finished drawing and pencil back on the desk - all while rolling her eyes at Jack - Selene picked up her weapons, shrugged on her coat, and walked out, Gibbs leaving with her. Jack, now dressed, picked up her drawing and smiled. The picture was of him sleeping, but he noticed something at the bottom. The way she had put her initials, could she be telling him something? Certainly not, she obviously hated him nowadays. Jack put the picture in the small chest with the others, and after locking the chest, walked outside.

Outside was the normal, controlled chaos that came with his ship as he climbed up to the wheel to study the map more. He found Selene and Lane there, already studying the old map.

"One is two. Two are one. How you any idea what that means, Jacky?" She questioned without turning around.

Jack pulled out a bottle of rum and scowled, "It's Captain Jack, not that ridiculous insult of a nickname. No, I don't know what that means."

Selene rolled her eyes at him and continued studying the map. Jack leaned over her as he scanned the map, and kept his rum away from the black haired woman. Selene suddenly dived across Jack, but because of said woman's short height Jack was easily able to keep it away from her.

Gibbs looked up from his work to see Jack keeping a bottle of rum away from Selene rather comically. Gibbs chuckled when Selene tackled Jack and the two started rolling around, cursing each other and fake attacking, an old joke between the two. He never noticed the jealous look on Lane's face.

Finally the two stopped and Selene's bright, light laughter filled that air as she cursed Jack and yelled at him to stop tickling her.

As the weeks went by, things returned to normal. Jack and Selene became close again, and Selene forgave him, after much pleading on his part. Gibbs was starting to notice the way Lane glared at the two though, a tell-tell sign of jealousy.

"SHIP!" The cry rose from the crows nest causing the two captains to move quickly. Selene moved to the front of get a closer look while Jack started yelling orders.

"Royal Navy!" She cried.

Jack met Selene at the prow and looked her straight in the eye. "T'wasn't me, Luv. Not this time." His voice was quiet.

"I know," she muttered back.

Jack nodded in understanding as the two stood side-by-side.

"Ah! The two of you are together! Again! Perfect!" Norrington yelled across to them as they floated broadside.

Lane suddenly walked towards Norrington on the plank he had laid down, and was thrown a large pouch which was undoubtfully full of money.

Lane suddenly stopped, his heart having been pierced by Selene's sword. Jack rose an eyebrow at this and, rubbing his heart said, "Ye scare me sometimes Luv. Makes me heart worry."

"Good," Selene grumbled as she picked up the pouch and moved Lane's shirt to the side.

"Now Lass, I thought you didn't- hey! Watch the jewels!" Jack yelled, jumping out of the swords reach.

"Shut up Jack. His real name is John Cooper," a scowl pulled down pink lips,"we were engaged to be married before you made me run away."

"You knew?" Jack asked quietly, referring to Lane's true identity.

"I had a guess," she replied with a soft shrug, then her eyes turned to Norrington and gave a wicked grin.

This made the man take a half step back before he realized what he was doing. "You can't hurt me pirates!"

"Step back Luv. FIRE CANNONS!" Jack's order filled the air as the cannons fired their deadly weapons.

Selene jumped back as the cannons fired. While the smoke was still in the air The Black Pearl disappeared quickly and unnoticed. John's body fell forgotten into the deep blue ocean to keep the fish and mermaids company.

And one day her.

A Pirate's TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz