Chapter 7

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I stood at the wheel, remembering the first time I had met Selene and all the crazy things we've done together since.

I felt slim arms wrap around my waist and her head against my shoulder blade, something she only did when stressed. Master Gibbs noticed this and came up to take the wheel from me. As if leading a child, I brought her to my cabin and lay her down gently on the hammock. I joined her once she was fully lain down and began to hum an old song she had taught me that calmed her down immensely.

Selene snuggled close to me, closed her eyes, and began humming along until she fell asleep. I stripped her of her coat, shoes, and weapons; then did the same to myself. I rejoined her in the hammock and held her close. She snuggled even closer to me if possible, causing my heart to quicken.

A woman more addicting than rum and the open sea had seemed impossible to me for years, until now. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to fight the sense of foreboding and fell asleep to the soft smell of the salty sea and apples.

I woke the next morning to Selene tracing the P on my forearm and smiling. Suddenly her head snapped up and she cursed, I was out just as quickly while still strapping on my weapons. We were surrounded by ships with strange sea creatures on them, making the sole human stick up like a sore thumb.

The man walked to the front of the main ship, giving us our first good look at him. He was a big, bald man with a cruel grin. Selene stood frozen by my side as the man continued to grin.

"How Jack? He's supposed to be dead! Davy Jones was supposed to take him and keep him on the ship until I got on his ship! " Selene whispered urgently to me.

"I haven't the slightest clue Luv. Most run in your family, still being alive when everyone assumes you're dead," I whispered back.

Selene had to smile slightly at that, but the smile dropped as she turned back to her father who was supposed to be dead.

Richard gave a cruel laugh and leaned against the rail, "I can only let you pass if two people who are worthy will give their lives."

Whispers instantly filled the air from my crew as they exchanged nervous looks.

"What if we don't want to, savvy?" I called out.

Richard's grin grew wider,"I'm hoping you'll choose that option because then I will get to kill you all."

"Heartless bastard," I mumbled angrily.

Selene mummered something under her breath, causing me to look at her.

"One is two. Two are one."

Richard's grin fell instantly.

"What does it mean Luv?" I questioned quietly.

"Us, Jack. It's about us. We are the two who are one," she placed her hand on my heart, "we met for a reason. The treasure back there isn't jewels, it's immortality. One of us is supposed to stay alive for reasons unknown right now."

My heart stopped.

"You're going to get out of this alive Jack," she told me in an urgent whisper. "You're going to find out one day that I was never meant for you, no matter how much I wish. Keep an eye on the twins, she'll come from them. Be there for them Jack, as much as possible please. Look for the moon, it's already on them. Please promise me Jack. Please promise you'll do everything I just asked."

I nodded in understanding, my heart in my throat. I wouldn't have been able to talk if I wanted. A sigh of relief slipped through her lips as she gave me one last hug.

"I love you Jack," she whispered.

"I love you too Selene," I whispered back hoarsely.

Then our lips were pressed together, we were trying to push all the emotions we felt for each other into the kiss.

Selene pulled away, and with a small smile, walked across the board to Richard's ship. He glared at her and drew his sword. Selene gave me one last smile and coughed up blood as he drove the weapon through her stomach instead of her heart. Then he pulled it out and drove it through her heart.

A tear slid down my cheek as she hit the wood and an eerie silence filled the air.

I didn't move to wipe it away because I was staring at, now dull, silver eyes that would forever haunt me.

She truly expected me to be able to find someone to replace her, someone who's eyes looked at me, of all people, the same way her's did; it would never happen.


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