Chapter 4-Camden

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I have known Lucas for a while longer than the others. I have known him since we both were chosen to work at the DEA. He was my first partner, and my best friend. The others have only known him for a couple months, (since we all got put together at the DEA) and don't know him as well as I do.
Lucas, well there's a puzzle for you. Even though I've known him for so long, I still can't completely figure him out. He has such a complicated personality. It is very difficult to describe, unless you see it. For the most part he is honest and loyal, but he is very secretive, and you can tell when he isn't telling you something. He is also very protective of people, like Sierra for example. He is always very angry whenever someone, anyone, does anything to hurt her. But, he's complicated, and yells at her the next minute. There's only one word that properly fits his personality:


. . . that's an open book. He always acted to secretive and mysterious. He was obviously a dealer. No doubt about it.

It was also not very hard to earn his trust. All we had to do was collect some money from one guy, and I didn't even have to do anything. That is a job for the girls.

Two days later he invited us over to his house. We all knew what that was going to be for. Or we thought we knew.

When we got to his house, it was normal. Nothing very different from other houses, or at least nothing that I could see. Next, he led us into the kitchen to get some snacks, which I'm pretty sure we would all reject, because, you know.....drug dealer's house.....snacks..... Well, anyways, I thought that all of us would reject them, but I guess not, because Sierra took one, and was about to eat it. But, Lucas being Lucas, he pulled her back to try and talk some sense into her. She should've taken his advice, but she didn't, and her life was changed because of it.

After she took a bite, she passed out. Again, Lucas being the way he is, He went up to Hendrix and yelled at him. He didn't understand what happened to her, none of us did, but he not knowing something makes him so irritable. Hendrix agreed to explain, but we had to go downstairs to his lab. So, Lucas picked up Sierra, and we all went down to his lab.

When we got down there, everyone was just awestruck. It was all very sophisticated looking science equipment, not that I would know though. I have never really been into science, and I don't have to do it on a daily basis. Hendrix and Lucas left the room to put Sierra down, but came back forty-five seconds later.
When they came back in, Lucas was questioning Hendrix about why he chose us, and I wasn't really paying that close attention, until I heard him say that he knew about us before, and was tracking us. That caught my full attention. Then Lucas just asked him if he thought we were just going to go along with him and try the drugs too. Hendrix confirmed that. Lucas said that we weren't going to, and asked us if we agreed, and we nodded. That's another thing, you need to try to never disagree with Lucas. Unless he is completely wrong.

Lucas then went to go check on Sierra, so it was just me and Riley.

"So....what do you actually think about all this?" she asked me.

"I'm not sure...If it works, I think that would be great. Don't tell him I said that." I replied.

"Do you honestly think that I would tell him anything?" she said, and we both laughed. "Did you notice how he has kind of taken charge or everything, and decides everything for us?"

"Yea, I did. I'm pretty sure he just likes to be in charge," I said.

"Well, he needs to realize that we have opinions too, and he needs to respect them."

"I agree, but are you gonna tell him that?"

"Heck no! I'm not that stupid."

"I'm not either."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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