Chapter 1-Sierra

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When we first met Hendrix, he was just like all of the other Druggies that we've busted. He invited us to his house one day, and we thought it was to sell us drugs, but boy, were we ever wrong.

Once we got to his house, he led us to the kitchen for some snacks, which doesn't seem like a great idea because they could be filled with drugs, or worse. But I trusted him. That was my first mistake, according to Lucas. He set out a plate of cookies, and to be hospitable, I took one. Then Lucas grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me out of Hendrix's earshot.

He said, "Put that down! We don't know what's in that!"

I reassured him that I knew what I was doing, and I took a bite of the cookie, and swallowed. "See," I said, the room starting to spin, "I'm....fine...." Then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

. . .

I woke up, very dazed, and unaware where I was. I tried to sit up, but a hand pushed me back down. My vision was too blurry to make out a face, but I did hear something, or thought I heard something.

It was a man, I thought. He said, "She doesn't know,' then trailed off.

"Where am I?" I asked groggily.

"Still in this nut's house, thanks Sierra" thought Lucas.

"I'm sorry about that, I should've listened to you," I said.

"What? How did you....." he started.

"You said....." I told him, trying to get up again, but this time he didn't push me back down.

"I dint say anything," he said. She must still be crazy from the drugs.

"I am not crazy!"

"What? How are you doing that?"

"What exactly am I doing?"

"I don't know," he said. Can she read my mind?

"Probably not, that's just crazy."

"How did u know what I was thinking?"

"I didn't! You just said that!"

"No I didn't, I just thought that! Maybe that's what those drugs did to you.... HENDRIX!!!" He said as he stormed out of the room.

I got up and followed him out the door, not knowing where I was. We got to the next room a few seconds later, they saw me, and Camden and Riley came to see if I was ok. I assured them that I was. Lucas went to go talk to Hendrix. Well, more like yell at him. I tried to stop him, but there was no use.

As I thought about how I could read minds, I decided to try it out. I tried it out on Riley first. She was not a particularly hard person to figure out, so I thought she might be the best to try it out on. I looked at her, and it strained my eyes, trying to make it work. It worked all right. Maybe a little too well. Suddenly the thoughts of all of them were pounding at my head. I could hear them but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I screamed and tried to make them get out of my head, but it was no use. The voices were overpowering my screams. I sank closer and closer to the floor, and the closer I was the louder my screams. Camden and Riley rushed to see what was wrong, and to help me up. I got up, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. The voices quieted until I couldn't hear them anymore. I tried to explain to them what was going on, but they didn't understand. Hendrix and Lucas came back a few minutes later, with an explanation.

Hendrix said that he had created a drug that allowed someone to read the thoughts of others. It had never been tested, and apparently I was the first one to ever try it. He told me to try and read his thoughts, which I really didn't want to do because of what happened a few minutes prior.

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