Chapter Three ~ Meeting Dave

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It was Saturday. But my mother still had to work so I was home alone all day. So I did what I normally did on Saturday, walk around the streets of Seattle.

It was kinda cold and cloudy. The rain hadn't started yet, but I knew it would soon from the dark clouds.

I watched as I passed by couples. My heart sank in my chest from the thought that me and Dave would never be like that. Shit, I bet he's never even took one look at me, and if so, he probably wouldn't even think I was attractive.

I silently aw'd when I say a gay couple sitting on the street. One guy had dread locks, while the other had long straight hair. I watched as the one with straight hair leaned in for a kiss, but the other one teased him by moving away. They spoke with smiles on their faces before nuzzling their noses together. And the guy finally received the kiss he was waiting for.

Rain began to pour down from the dark grey sky. I began to speed walk for dry shelter until the rain slacked off. And I knew exactly where to go. Underneath the bridge where the muddy banks of the Wishka River was.

I sat under the bridge, safe from the rain and getting soaked out there. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I heard a voice behind me speak.

"Hey... haven't I seen you from school?"

I looked behind me and my heart went wild. It was Dave. Phew, just stay cool, Kurt. It's okay. It's only your crush who noticed you.

"Uh... yeah. I think so."

"Oh yeah! I have. You're Kurt, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm Kurt."

He sat down beside me. "Cool. I'm Dave."

I didn't know what else to say. My mind was going crazy with thoughts. It was silent for a moment until he spoke again.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked.

"Nothing. I was walking around the streets until it started pouring. So I figured I'd come here until the rain slacks off."

"Oh. Well, my parents were fighting again so I came here." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's terrible. I know the feeling. My parents are divorced."

"You have really pretty eyes." He suddenly said. My cheeks heated up.

"Thanks. Umm... So do you."

He chuckled. "Sure. Well, the rain seemed to stop. If you want I could walk you home, because... You know... There's rapist on the loose out there."

I chuckled. "Rapist on the loose?"

I laughed a bit with me. "Yeah. Those fuckers are everywhere."

The whole way home we talked and laughed. He was a really funny guy, and the more we talked, the more I fell in love with him.

"Well, we're here." I said, stopping in front of my house.

"It was nice meeting you, Kurt. I guess I better head home. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. C'ya." I said quietly. I wanted to stop him and ask him if he wanted to come inside, but I didn't.

I think I'm dumb.

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