June 1,2025

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Maya's p.o.v.
i was waiting for one of my friends to come pick me up from the airport. i was visting for the summer to help find riley. what i been doing for 3 years now. spend summers here and the rest in london with my mom. After 6 years of looking we found nothing. were slowly are starting to give up. All of a suddend something snaped me away from my thoughts. it was a little girl about 6 or 7. she had big brown curls and brown eyes. she kind of reminded me of riley. she was crying. i go up to her.
"hello."i say as kindly as i can. mostly because i didn't want to scare her.

she lookes up at me with her warm and loving eyes."hello"she said threw tears. Damn even her voice sounds like riley.

"whats wrong"i ask her as i wipe one of her tears away.

"my mommy told me to stay beside her. but when she went to get our bags. i saw a very cute kitty so i tried to chase it. then the kitty left. and..."she paused,"and i relized that i was lost."

"well then lets go to the help centor. that is probley where she is.okay"i said.

"okay"she said.then gave me a big smile.

when we got to the help centor. there was a woman argue with the woman at the desk. immediately the little girl screamed "MOMMY" the woman turned around and huged her.

"OH MY GOD KAYLA. do you know how worried i was."the woman said.

"i would still be lost if it wasn't for her"kayla said as she was pointing at me. the woman looked up at me and gasped liked she she seen me before.but i swear I've never seen her before.

"hello.I'm Maya" i said. i put my hand out for her to shake but all she did was stare at me.it was starting to get uncomfortable.

"well nice meeting you.but my friend is picking me up.so bye."i said as i started to walk away.

"WAIT!" someone said behind me. i turned around.

"yes" i said eagar to leave.

"that was rude of me.My name it's ..."she said. i could tell she was nervouse but i don't know why.she continued"it's Riley."

"cool i have a friend named Riley."i paused,"well had." i said trying as hard not to cry.

"aww what happened "kayla said looking at me with her big brown eyes.

"honey what did i tell you about others peoples business."she snaped at her daughter.

"sorry mommy." kayla said.

"oh no its okay. i don't mind telling her."i said.

"yah"kayla said. i smiled at how happy i made her.

"well my best friend is um...."i paused,"missing."i said.

"aw I'm sorry"she said. her smile disappeared.

"well i got to go. like i said i have a friend picking me up. so bye."i said and walked away as fast as i can. why did i just tell a stranger about riley. but it felt that i could tell her anything.i don't know why i just could.It was like she's been my best friend since i was 3 but i just met her today.
Riley's p.o.v.
my best friend doesn't rember me. the moment she said that i was missing i wanted to yell that I'm right here but the reason of why i left was why i didn't say it. i miss her,farkle,my parents,auggie, and lucus. i miss lucus the most. i miss his seaweed green eyes, his smile, the way he holds me when he comforts me,how he lets me cry on his shoulder. it make me think why i ever left. but i had to go. if i didn't they would all hate me and i could never take that much pain. so i left. i took just enough money to take a flight to LA.

"Mommy?" my daughter kayla said.

"yes honey. is something wrong."i ask her.

"why were you so nervous around that girl."she ask. i didn't know what to say.

"well i tell you later. okay honey." she nods her her head.

as she walked she told me about her friend Avery. she told me that she was kind of a bad girl.that everyone feared her.but she said that she was just misunderstood. that she was just came from a broken familey. i smiled. she could be the next me and maya. kayla saw that i was smiling.

"why are you smiling?"she asked. i laughed a little.

"because kittin you remind me of an old friend."i said.

"who was she"she asked.

"her name was..."i said before running into someone. "oh my god i'm so.."i said before they cut me off.

"RILEY!"the person said.i looked up. My eyes widened. i shall the one person i didnt want to see. i saw...........

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