"Unless they twerkin." I laugh hard.

Majesty shakes his head at me, trying not to laugh. "Nope, my baby girl won't be twerkin. No way in hell. Majesty continues shaking his head.

"What's wrong with twerking? It's like a mixture of dancing and gymnastics, if you good at it." I smile.

"Jade, please don't tell me that you will teach our daughter to twerk." Majesty narrows his eyes at me.

I laugh. "I mean yes and no. I will allow her to twerk on her 18th birthday and we can have a twerk-off." I joke, trying to push Majesty's buttons.

"Ah, Hell Nah!"  Majesty laughs. "Stop playin, Jade."

On our way to Majesty's place, I can't stop thinking about Melrose and if she's ok or not. I know I can't ask Majesty tho. I text Desiree asking if she can drive my car over to Majesty's since I left it in her care. Once we get to Majesty place, it looks so different inside, like a model home. 

"Wow, It  looks so pristine like no one even lives here." I say as walk through the now unfamiliar home.

"Yeah, I mean since CJ and Daquan moved out, it's like I don't need a maid anymore. Also, I've been training so much and not throwing parties every week so yeah, my place could be in a couple of magazines." Majesty brags.

"It's aite." I smile and head in the kitchen.

"Don't' tell me that y'all gonna eat again?!" Majesty covers his mouth like he's in shock.

I laugh. "Don't judge me! I'm eating for three. Nigga, if you had  two people eating everything you tried to eat, you'd be hungry too!"

"I did and I kicked them out and made them get jobs." Majesty smiles.

"It's different." I stuff turkey and donuts in my mouth.

Majesty makes a sour face at me. I head back into the living room and get comfortable on the sofa. There's a knock on the door, Majesty looks at me confused.

"Oh, it's Desiree." I try to say with my mouth full.

Majesty looks at me hard for a second, trying to comprehend what I just said. "Oh, no! Why'd you call her? 

"Cause I missed her and she had my car." I explain, wobbling to the door.

"Bitch, when you get here?" Desiree hugs me, squishing our baby bumps together.

"Like, 2 hours ago." I invite her in as I tell her about my flight.

Majesty is sitting on the couch. Looking all unfriendly and shit.

"Hey, Majesty! Desiree says as she plops down next to him.

"Damn, you got fat!" Majesty blurts.

"Majesty, she's pregnant!" I glare at him.

Majesty laughs. " I know." 

"Nigga, could diss but my fat ass is paid and hella happy so he could suck on my placenta!" Desiree rolls her eyes.

Majesty gags and I laugh.

"Desiree, you hella nasty!" I scrunch my face at her.

"OMG Jade, I almost forgot. Guess who I saw at the mall earlier? Melrose and Alize! Desiree says.

I look down and Majesty blows his breath, expressing his annoyance with Desiree.

"They we're in Foot Locker and guess what?! Alize look like she was dressed like stem (stud/fem)! I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if Alize becomes a fem by next month and they start dating." Desiree wrinkles her face as she files her nails.

Majesty starts cracking up. "Starts dating?

"Yeah, me and Jade suspect that Alize has a thing for Melrose." Desiree explains.

"Of course, she does! They use to date back in high school." Majesty says.

I spit out my apple juice, almost choking on it. "What the fuck?!" I yell, with my anger now showing.

"Thought you knew. Shit, why is that a big deal? Y'all are done." Majesty says, making me feel stupid.

"I know but at the same time, that's some key information. Like why didn't she tell me?!" I say feeling so angry.

"Eww, Melrose does stud on stud?" Desiree wrinkles her face.

"Back in high school, Alize wasn't a stud. She was a cheerleader, most popular girl in school, and to be honest, she use to be so banging. I have to admit, that was the one time I was jealous of Mel. We both went after Alize but Melrose got her. I had no clue Alize was a lowkey lesbian so I laughed at Mel when she told me that she would get her." Majesty explains.

I suddenly have an urge to confront Melrose. Ugh, what the fuck? Why am I just now finding this out? I can feel tears form in my eyes. I feel betrayed and old pain from me and Melrose past fills my stomach and heart. I head to the bathroom and break down crying. I hate her. How could she not have told me about her and Alize? Mel had her ex lowkey hanging around me and shit, who knows if she and Melrose still have feelings for each other. I hate them both and I'm pissed at Desi for bringing the bitch up. After 20 minutes, I emerge from the bathroom with both, Majesty and Desiree looking at me like I am psycho. 

"I had to throw up." I lie

"Jade, we heard you cryin!" Desiree glares at me.

"Well...It hurt." I defend.

"Jade, if you not over that bitch, Majesty agreed to let me whoop your ass as soon as you give birth and the babies are in the next room." Desiree crosses her arms.

(A/N Does Jade have a right to be upset about the whole Melrose and Alize untold love story? Did Jade have a right to know?  Why does Desiree gossip so much (jk not a real question). Which twin do you think is kicking cause of the Mexican food, the boy or girl? LOL, comment and please don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading :)

"Get It Girls" (Lesbian Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें