Love & Hate

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Suddenly, I'm being dragged out the car by my weave. I can feel Alize pounding her fist into my face as hard as she can. I immediately protect my belly with my arms, sacrificing my face to take a massive beating.

"This is for the other night at the club, bitch! And this for tearin me and Mel apart!" Alize says which each blow to my face.

I feel Majesty yelling at Alize and fighting her but she won't let go of my hair. I can feel warm blood flowing from my nose and my ears are ringing. Even with the punches Majesty delivers, all over Alize's body, she refuses to loosen her grip. I'm starting to realize how much Alize really must hate my ass cause I can hear how hard Majesty is punching her, yet she won't let me go. Finally, Majesty punches Alize in her face so hard that she loses her balance and lets me go. I crawl back to Majesty's car, chocking on the blood from my nose. Majesty picks me up and takes off his shirt and places it on my face to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, Alize is yelling at Lashawnda to get in the car so they can leave. I get a glimpse of Alize and she bleeding from head to toe. Majesty gets into the car and takes off to the hospital.

"Majesty, I'm ok. She just hit me in my face. My stomach was protected the whole time. It's just my nose that's bleeding." I try to explain, while covering my bloody nose.

Majesty pulls over into an empty parking lot and puts his head on the steering wheel. "Jade, I think you to get out of town for a little bit. At least, till shit simmers down. Like there's a lot of heat on your end right now."

"I know, I know. Can we go back to restaurant? I need to get my car and go home and put some ice on my face." I ask Majesty as I look at my swollen face in the mirror.

"You ok, to drive? Majesty asks.

"Yeah." I mumble, feeling my lips begin to swell.

 When we arrive back at  Veggie Grill, I go around to the driver's side and hug Majesty before driving back to Melrose's, feeling like she will be more forgiving once she sees what her best friend has done to my face. I knock on the door, still compressing my nose. Melrose comes to the door and looks shocked.

"Wow, I don't think Alize and I can ever be friends again." Melrose pulls me close. "You ok?" 

I nod my head. "But my whole my face is swollen and I have a headache from hell."

"Ok, now real talk. What were you doing out with Majesty tho?" Melrose cocks her head sucks her teeth. 

"It's not what you think. Desiree was also there. We just went to a prenatal class." I explain. 

"This is why we always break up. You can't just keep ya ass in the house. I ain't saying Alize had the right to do what she did to you but damn, Jade, some shit is always poppin off with you." Melrose complains.

"I get it. It always seems that way but that's not how it was this time. I don't wanna argue so you either just take my word for it or not, Mel." I yell, now feeling frustrated.

"Aite, I don't wanna argue either but can you just agree to stay in more. I mean you pregnant and you shouldn't be in this much drama. Truthfully, I almost wanna send you away." Melrose confeses.

"Send me away?" I give Melrose a confuse look.

"Yea, like to a pregnancy retreat. It's like where pregnant celebrities go when they want to get out of the spot light and have a peaceful pregnancy. There will be other pregnant women there, activities, food, nurses, and classes you can take." Melrose says.

"Where is it and what days would I go?" I ask Melrose.

"There's pregnancy retreats all over the world, like in other countries. The duration of most of them are like 4 to 6 months. Your last month of pregnancy would be back home."Melrose explains.

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