We Ain't Got No Worries

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I swallow my fear and head inside. Desiree is in her room, in bed, naked, smoking a blunt.

"So, whose the lucky nigga or did your dumb ass go back to Majesty's abusive ass?" She questions with a bitchy scowl on her face.

"Desiree, not now. It's too early for this. I was with Melrose, she took care of me last night. She even dropped you off. Melrose invited me to come stay with her. I really ain't feeling this lifestyle anymore. "I tiredly say.

"Well, tell her lil dyke ass no cause we in this together remember?! " Desiree angrily reminds me.

"I already told her I would though." I nervously admit.

"Nah, shit ain't gon work see cause you already promised me,Jade! You can't back out now. We made a pact, you promised! You just gon be all shady?" Desiree barks at me.

"I don't know. I just don't wanna do this anymore. It was all suppose to be temporary." I shrug.

"Damn, out of all the flavors in this world, you choose to be salty. Ok, cool but when she leaves your ass broke and dusty, just remember you did it to yourself. At least I have a record of you coming out more successful. I got you money. I got you clothes, shoes, and more opportunities. Be a dumb broke hoe!" Desiree now with tears in her eyes.

"And I thank you for all you done. "I sit on her bed,confused now.

"Well, come to Dubai with me one last time. I already worked my ass off to get you your passport and set shit up. If you still wanna go after that then go but don't leave me hangin like that." Desiree begs with sad eyes.

I think for a minute, I shake my head. "I'll go but you can't give me a hard time if I want to leave after that, k?"

"Aite." Desiree heads into the bathroom fixing her hair. "So, Melrose, that's your new boo now or whet?"

"No, I mean, we like each other and stuff. She says she serious about me and I kinda had a thing for her since Majesty introduced us but we just talking right now. Kinda do wanna make it official though." I admit.

"Hmm, you act funny about fucking me and being my bitch but you so ready to call this bitch Daddy." Desiree scrunches her face as she sprays loads of hairspray in her weave.

I laugh. "No Desi, it's different with her. You know studs have that nurturing but masculine kinda thing. Like they get you more than a dude ever will, it seems."

"Well, you can't be letting all this love shit affect your paper, you hear? Now, get packed cause we leave tonight and we still gotta get waxes, mani/pedis, and some new outfits." Desiree explains.

I pack my stuff and think about all of Desiree's points. Maybe, I shouldn't depend on Melrose so heavily just yet. I mean being 18 is still mad young and I am trying my best to just live. I should probably have my fun while I'm young and leave the game once I reach the max of financial stability. That way if I do choose to depend on someone and it fails, I'll still have my own everything. I text Melrose that I'm going to need a couple more days.

Me and Desiree head out to get pampered and ready for this trip to Dubai. All and all, I'm still hella excited cause I never been out of a country and them Dubai niggas turn up more than us Cali niggas so I'm so ready for all this. I know there's some strict regulations about the way you dress and the things you do in Dubai that can land us in some serious trouble so we gotta be super discreet about this.

I get a text from Melrose:"I see you chose what you really want. No need to come to me as your second option. Wish you the best, but I'm not for it. Good luck. xoxo.-Melrose"

The flight is long and exhausting but as soon as touch down, we're greeted by a chauffeur who drives us to a five star hotel in a limousine. We head up to the top floor and enter a Presidential Suite. The suite has multiple flat screen tv's, two giant king size beds, a fully stocked kitchen, flowers for me and Desiree, also two "Arabian" type dresses.

"Turn the fuck up!" Desiree screams as she jumps on the bed.

I look around smiling. "Where are they? The guys, we'll be sleeping with."

"Next suite over, they in a business meeting but when I get the call, it's playtime, or pay time I should say?" Desiree explains as she twerks on the bed.

I look through the fridge and cabinets that has loads of me and Desiree's favorite junk food. I eat Oreo's as I watch "Empire" on Netflix.

About an hour later, Desiree and me get ready in the dresses they sent us and a hi-jab, scarfs to wrap around our face so that our eyes are only showing. A tall man security type man leads us into a suite not to far from ours, swipes a card, puts in a security code and leads us through the door. I see two pet tigers on leashes and my heart jumps. He leads us to a room where 3 Men sit, dressed as royalty. I look at Desiree with fearful eyes but she doesn't look at me, she looks at the men with gleaming, money hungry eyes. Two men get up and take Desiree, leaving me hear alone with the man sitting on a throne type chair. He stands up and walks towards me smiling.

"You my dear, are beautiful." He strokes my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you." I say nervously.

He takes me into the master bedroom and tells me to undress and lay down. I do so. He walks over and just stares at my naked body for about 20 minutes.

"I want to do every single thing possible with you." He takes out a book.

"um, like the basics, head, anal, and pussy?"  I suggest.

"Yes! As you Americans would say, what that mouth do, girl?" He asks with a perfect smile.

I laugh and I show him what this mouth do. Meanwhile, I hear Desiree moaning down the hall like an expert porn star.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck dis pussy made of gold, yes! Don't stop! Ooh yes, feels so fucking good! Tell me how much you love dis fat ass, gold skin niggas!" Desiree moans.

After doing almost everything imaginable with this foreign looking Prince, I get dressed. I go looking for Desiree and find her in the room down the hall sleeping along with the two guys from early.

"Desiree, wake up." I whisper, shaking her leg.

She opens her eyes. "Jade, I'm so sore."

I laugh. "I know, we heard you way down the hall. Can we go now?"

"Yea, but we have to come back at 8 pm to be their dates to some kind of royal ball. Ask Feemo about the dresses." Desiree explains.

"Feemo? What dresses?" I ask.

"Feemo, the guy you slept with and dresses for the ball were suppose to attend." Desiree says, stretching her arms.

I head back in the master bedroom and find Feemo grooming his long beard.

"We're going to head back to our rooms to get ready for the ball and Desiree wanted me to ask you about the dresses?"  I say to Feemo.

He points to big, flat, white boxes in the corner of the room. I carry them out and down the hall into our suite. About 20 minutes later Desiree arrives waving a check.

"Guess which two bad ass bitches made 25 grand each in the last 3 hours?" Desiree asks with her hands thrown up in the air.

"Bitch, You lyin!" I scream.

Desiree does a celebration twerk. "Me and my hoe rich as fuck!!!!"

I join her. We twerk around our hotel room and sing "we ain't got no worries".

(A/N Did Jade make the right choice? Should Jade have went with Melrose? Are you a bit envious of Jade and Desiree's lifestyle? Would you live it? Comment Below. Thanks For Reading.)

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