Chapter 7

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In Neverland time is frozen. It feels like it's been two days when actually it's been one night. Only Pan can control time. I'm saying that you've been reading this story and the whole time it's been night. Just thought I should tell you's haha.

" This is where you can stay until you wake".

Pan tucked Wendy in then kneeled down and held her hand.

" You will be free. I promise".

Wendy smiled to Peter. He then stood up and climbed down out of the rock. Once his feet hit the ground he looked up where the light was coming from the lantern. Then he saw the rock go pitch black after she blew the lantern. Pan took a few steps forward then paused.

" Your so loved".

He said to himself aiming at Wendy. Peter looked at the hollow rock with so much guilt in his eyes. He felt so guilty for making her believe that she's not loved, but then he felt guilty for falling for her like this. So he ran into the trees to the clearing.

" Pan, the boys haven't awoken".

Felix reminded him.

" Yes they are".

Pan then flicked his hand then all of a sudden the boys eyes opened up and all looked puzzled.

" Pan what's going on?"

Felix asked as he notice Peter was avoiding to talk.

" Nothing. Wendy will not be interrupted or talked to. As much as I know you want to know what's going on, I'll tell you. . . She's one of us".

He hesitated. The boys sigh of relief then climbed into their tents or tree-houses. On the other hand, Pan sat on the bolder then wrecked his brain with ideas to bring back Wendy.

" She isn't lost. She isn't abandoned. She isn't us".

He told himself as his hands were crossed under his chin.

" How can I bring her back?"

He asked himself. But then something hit him, it just came to his thoughts out of the blue.

" She has to do it herself ".

If Peter could convince her that's she's a lost girl, then he can convince her that she's not. If that didn't work he had another plan.

Hours went by and it was still night. Pan made his way to the hollow rock and climbed up the ladder.

" Wendy. Wendy wake up".

He shook her shoulders gently. Out of exhaustion she sat up and both their eyes met.

" I need to talk to you".

He told her as his hand griped her shoulders.

" What is it?"

She asked with a smile.

" Your not abandoned, your not lost, your family loves you and I know you feel like they don't but they do. Your loved by so many souls, I know what love is. I...I know how you feel Wendy, but this isn't you. Your not like us, instead your trustworthy, your patient and your what every other boy deserves...that's why I need to let you free, because I don't deserve a girl like you".

Tears formed in his eyes as telling her this.

" But I don't want to leave you Peter-"

" It's Pan! You will inform me by...Pan".

He was so heartbroken that he took his anger out on her. But he really didn't want to let her go free. Wendy started to have feelings for him. Also did Peter for Wendy.

" Why do you hide what's keeping you back?"

She asked kindly with tears forming in her eyes.

" Because I gave up someone for this island. Someone who I loved and who trusted me. I can't fall in love for the ageing rule would break then we will age then there will be no Neverland, and I can't let the one I loved go to waste. I have to make him mean something".

Wendy gasped as he sat on the bed with her.

" You had a son?"

She asked as the tears fell down her cheek and landed on her dress.

" I was a cheat and all my son Rumple wanted was where no one knew of me. Neverland, we came here then I found out I had to give up my son for this island. The dark shadow took him and turned me into this. I'm a teenager again and I can't love".

Wendy held onto his arm.

" But you can love-"

" No I can't, get up".

He stood up. Wendy climbed down the ladder before him and fell to the ground. Pan landed perfectly. He then heaved her up and lead her on a gigantic rock mountain.

" What are we doing here?"

She asked. Pan pushed her forward but she fought back.

" No I want to stay here with you Peter-"

" You have to go. I'm letting you go now Wendy your free".

Once they reached the edge Pan stopped after Wendy asked him kindly.

He called the dark shadow and from a distance the dark shadow was flying to them.

" No no no please Peter. Please don't let it take me back, please I love you".

She called as the shadow came closer. Pan looked her in the eyes.

" As so do I".

Tears formed in both of their eyes. As shadow took her arm but she quickly clutched onto Peter's arm like how Rumple did. A fast thought went in his head " she can't remember what happened here or she'll be more hurt then Rumple is ". So Pan quickly cleaned her memory of this place made it a fading dream. So he put her to sleep and all the memories their conversations was oblivion and kept with Pan. The dark shadow flew her to her home again and laid her down on her bed.

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