Chapter 3: Davina and Aurora

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When Davina was sent to live with Aurora, her little problem became bigger. Her thoughts and personality became darker. So dark that she would lash out and be sneaky and mischievous. She wouldn't intentionally hurt her twin but sometimes it ended up with Aurora being hurt either physically or emotionally. But Aurora always forgave her. The faeries tried their best in making Davina more bright but they fail to pull through. It also ended up with Davina having the thoughts of her being evil and she didn't mind. On the outside, Davina was beautiful, can be kind if she wanted to, but on the inside, she was dark, holding grudges and hatred and having dark thoughts that no child should have. It only made matters worse for when Maleficent found out about Davina. He found Davina in the Moors, looking at the barrier he put up with a smile on her face and when she heard the distress of other Moor creatures she would laugh in delight. Her actions intrigued Maleficent. He then on watched her and her actions, trying to create a theory if why she acted the way she did. He thought that it was just her personality. But then he sensed the strange aura around her. It was a mixture of forced and natural feelings. He then concluded that part of his magic has made a little curse for her. Even though the curse was for Aurora, a part of the curse was shifted. To make a dark child of Aurora. He watched both children grow. While Aurora wanted to make things bright and happy and be outside all the time, Davina wanted nothing to do with anyone. She would rather be negative and think that happy endings are fake and that happiness doesn't exist. Soon enough both children would experience something that they would need to go through together.

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