Another Cinderella

Start from the beginning

"No you haven't." He started to drive again.

"So for the past two years you would have moved in." I nodded my head yes. Then remembered he isn't looking at me.

"Yeah I mean as long as I don't have to sleep in a bunkbed like when we were little." He turned right into Applebee's.

"Now I feel really stupid."  I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. He really is the best thing in my world.

"I know, but I love you." He smiled at me. Nodding making his hair go by his eyes.

"Yeah I know." I smacked him, as he started to laugh.

"Your supposed to say it back." I laid back into my seat. I looked down at my phone to check the time.

"Ok sorry. I love you." I gave him my mad face. He parked the car. I took off my seatbelt and looked at him.

"Ok I so don't believe you." Than I got out of the car.
"Look come here."
He said as he got out of the car. Running after me.

"What?" Then he lend down and kissed me.

"I do love you." I smiled at him. Putting my head on his chest, I was so close I could get a hint of his cologne.

"I know."Then I let go and ran because it started to rain.

"Come on. You know I remember you used to play in the rain." I looked at the rain.

"Yeah but I am hungry." I grabbed my stomach with one hand and the door with the other.

"Ok I'm coming." He rain after me, but took his time. We finally got to go inside away from the rain. We walked up to the waiter. He was short. Only 5"4 with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hi table for two." The waiter nodded.

"Ok fallow me." We walked to the back of the restaurant. "Is this spot ok?" I smiled at Josh. As he was playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Yes it's perfect thank you." We both sat down.

"Your welcome, your waiter should be here shortly." I nodded.

"Thank you." Josh grabbed my hand and started to play with it.

"So how do you think practice went?"
I looked down at our fingers. Starting to play with his black ring.

"It was ok, but I have a question."

"Ok what is it?" He said, his face full of concern. I looked at him in the eyes.

"I did not try out, how did I get the spot." He looked down at the ground.

"I don't know maybe he wanted to give you a shot." I grabbed his face to look at me. "Ok I filmed you dancing to the music and gave it to him." I kissed him lightly.

"Thank you." He started to rub my hand.

"I know you think I did that for you but I also did it for me." I didn't know what to think. I mean maybe the people going for the spot suck.

"What why."  I said laughing.
"You remember Jordan?" I made a face to look like I was thinking.

"That girl from when we were little that Jake was trying to teach but could not get it, and then he said I could have it because I know how to do it." He smiled.

"Yeah her."  I laughed.

"Doesn't ring a bell." He put his head to the table.

"Oh my god you." He picked his head up.

"Ok what about her." He got serious.

"She is your understudy." I didn't believe him. She still to this day couldn't dance to save her life.


"Yes if I didn't give him that tape I would have had to danced with her and our moms wanted it to be me and you."
I smacked his am.

"You are so selfish." He put the menus to the side not even looking at them.

"Shut up you want a Pepsi and the Hamburger Quesadilla." I nodded my head.

"Yes." He put his hand over his heart.
"Thank god I still remember that, you would have killed me if I forgot."

"You my mate are vary wired." He looked at me.

"Sorry I lost you at Mate." After our food got delivered, he gave me this weird look.

"So you never answered my question."

"Oh what was it?"

"If we had kids, how many?"

"Well you can't have one because it would need someone to play with and I hate odd numbers."

"Ok so ether two or four got it."

"Oh boy."

"So all boys."

"No I at less want one girl."

"When should we get married?" I can't believe we are having this conversation again.

"Josh we are eight teen."

"Ok so when we are 20 good."

"Man you are weird."

"I know but you love me." I laughed and kissed his cheek lightly.

"You are so full of your self."

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