Chapter 15

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I decided to stay with Cato tonight so he wouldn't do anything more stupid, but mostly because I want to. I've missed how close me and him were. I missed holding his hands or hugging him from behind, I missed the deep talks we had or our silly moments. But now, I feel like I could just do all of that again.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Clove?" Since we shared a bed?" Cato asked softly.

"Yeah. I kind of missed it." I replied, my hands stroking his arm lightly, an old habit of mine.

"What do you mean 'kind of'? Come on, I know you missed it terribly! Who wouldn't miss waking up to this?" He asked, laughing as he makes a gesture towards his toned six packs.

"I don't know.. Doesn't really tempt me that much." I joked. Of course I missed it terribly! I mean like, not just his body, but overall, him.

"Oh really?" He asked, his eyebrows raise as he shifts a little.

Then before i knew what is happening, he starts tickling me and laughing as he does so. Its. Annoying. Ugh. I. Can't. Stop. Laughing.

"Plea-" I gasp, laughing in mid sentence.

"Stop!!" I roll on the floor, trying to get away from him.

"Huhmm, I don't know, should i stop?" He pretends to think, "Nah."

"Pleaseeee, I will do anythi-!" I begged, can't finish my sentence from laughing too hard.

"Anything??" He asked, stopping.

"Yeah...?" I asked, unsure of what he'll ask me to do.

"Let me continue to tickle you?" He asked, having a very mischievous smile spread across his face.

"No!" I answered. I asked him to stop and now he wants to continue!? I wish he's ticklish so i can get revenge but unfortunately, he's not.

"Fine! Then could you get me food? I'm really hungry actually." He asked, frowning a bit. And just for the perfect timing, his stomach growls.

This boy! Is he that lazy to get food? How will he survive in the arena if he can't even walk 10 meters just to get food?

I do it anyways though. Guess he needs all the energy he can get before the games starts. I open his door and walk to the kitchen. I then order one of the avoxes, to kindly get me some food, a snack perhaps. She returns to me with a plate containing of 2 carrot muffins, a banana and a bowl of almond seeds. This seems to be enough for a late night snack i guess. And if he wants more, he can just go get more himself.

I walk back to his room to find that he's sitting on his bed, looking very bored.

"I didn't take that long, did I?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Actually, it took you 1 minute and 32 seconds. Thats pretty long." He replied back with a knowing face.

"Well, next time, if you want your food faster, you should go and get it yourself." I answered.

He gets out of his bed and take the plate thankfully though, and munch on the muffin. I take the other one and eat it slowly, unlike him, I'm not that hungry.

"Hey! Dthats mine!" He said, with a mouth full of food.

"I took the food for you so i get some of it at least!" I reason.

"Fine, whatever." He said back, rolling his eyes.

I swear he's so childish sometimes, but i do like his childish side. He doesn't show it often, always keeping a glare on his beautiful face, trying to act tough. We never act childish in front of people, we are always taught to be responsible and mature, because most of us teens will grow up to be head of the family. We were taught this way so we never really enjoyed having fun, we barely had the time to. But I'm still grateful, other districts have it worse.

After Cato finish all the food, he puts the plate back into the kitchen and comes back seconds later.

"Let's go to sleep, we'll have a long day tomorrow." He smiles.

"Yeah, sure." I answered smiling back but the smile doesn't reach my eyes.

I am worried. Soon the games will start and god knows how much time i have left until i die. I get that empty feeling of fear again. I don't want to die. How will it feel? Nothing? Pain? Nobody knows, thats what fears me the most. I don't know how death feels like, I'm scared that i won't be able to move or do anything, that i will forever see darkness. And I would never see Cato again. I mean, outside we might look pretty arrogant, always so sure that we will win but, who really knows what happens? It gives me anxiety to think of it, that the games are starting so soon and i haven't spent a lot of time with Cato, i don't want any regrets when i die.

Cato notices that my body is stiff from me thinking bad thoughts, so he moved closer and out his arm on my waist, soothing me. I relax a few seconds later and drift into a not so deep sleep.


I wake up to my dry mouth aching for water. I sleep with my mouth open so i tend to get dry mouth when i sleep, its annoying. I get out of Cato's bed slowly, careful not to wake him up. I lift his arm over and land my feet on the wooden floor. I walk slowly towards the door and open it.

The good thing about The Capitol is that their doors don't creak. I head over to the kitchen and fetch myself a glass of water. As i gulp down the water thirstily, i hear a sound from the living room. Who is there!!?? Our door is locked so nobody can come in, maybe it's just an avox, plus, it's the Capitol, why should I be worried. I get a knife from one of the drawers anyways, just to be careful, and go to the living room, alerted and prepared.

As i get closer, i can see the couch and a silhouette .

"Sorry if i startled you, but I'm just over here thinking. Can't sleep." A voice i know that belongs to Enobaria speaks, startling me.

"Phew, its just you. I thought it might've been a thief." I replied.

"Its good to be prepared though, but this is The Capitol, its always safe from crimes. Different than 2." She said.

"Yeah, way different." I replied, getting ready to go back to bed.

"Wait... Can you sit down with me?" She asked, hesitantly.


I sit down on the couch next to her, reaching for the lamp's power switch.

"Don't." Her voice was soft but had a sharpness in it.

Okay, i guess somebody likes being the dark.

"I sometimes think to myself, what a sick place this is, and a sick tradition too. I mean, people here, don't they ever go home one night, sit down in front of their mirror and think to themselves the same thing? And all their clothes and makeup, i feel like their face and mind needs a break sometimes." She said all of a sudden.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied, unsure of what to say.

I mean like, what can i say, i feel pretty intimidated by her. The games is sick but there's nothing anybody can do to stop them. We aren't powerful, Snow has peacekeepers and people are frightened by him. We are just peasents, sidekicks. We don't even have enough warmth or food provided for us back in our district. And i bet the other districts have it worse, especially the outlining ones.

I can't help but have a tiny knot in my stomach, the kind that tells you something bad will happen. For in a few days, i will enter a place, a deathtrap, no way out except to kill and slaughter innocent lives.

Killed or be killed huh? That was always the motto.


Hey guys! I haven't been on here for such a long time and i've been procastinating sooo much. I need to watch The Hunger Games again to see when the Games starts, sorry for the wait.
    Anh :))

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