Hope's POV

Once Jay finishes her food we both head up stairs so I can try to get some of that blood out. The whole back of her head is stained red. I don't think she knows exactly how bad it is so I'm not going to tell her and just hope it rinses easily. No need for her to freak out over nothing if it'll just go away. "Okay Bug-A-Boo. Let's wash that wig of yours." I say in a silly voice making her chuckle. "Is that the shirt you want to wear to practice later babe?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Here." I say walking to my bag to get her a different one. "It might get wet. Change into this." I had her the new shirt and then head into the bathroom to set up while she changes. I move the small bottles of hotel shampoo and conditioner aside. Who do they think that would be enough for anyway? I turn around and grab my shampoo and Carli's conditioner because hers "works better". I don't really think that's true, but they both argued it for hours the other week and now Julie refuses to use mine.

"Mom?" calls Jay from the other room.

"Hmm?" I hum back reaching for a few towels.

"What's this?"

"What's what?" I ask coming out of the bathroom.

"This." she says holding up a box. I have to look at it for a second before realizing what it is.

"Why are you going through your Mama's stuff?" I ask crossing my arms. Car ordered her a blue headband with name and number on it a few weeks ago and it just came in the other day. She's been waiting to give it to her for some reason so I'm sure she would not be happy if I let her surprize get ruined.

"It was-" she starts quickly but I raise my eyebrow making her stop. "I'm sorry. I'll put it back."

"Mhm." I agree eyeing her. For a cinnamon roll, as the whole team calls her, she is the sneakiest kid I have ever met. That's why her and Morgan Paige are so bad together. Moe is nothing but trouble, she's as sweet as can be, but she's crazy. I wait for her to put it back in Carli's suitcase before saying, "Let's go, Sneaky." As she passes me to get in the door I smack her on the butt making her jump.

"Mom!" she gasp quickly covering her bottom with her hands. "What was that for?"

"Sit on that counter and close your mouth." I say picking back up the towels. She knows why I popped her. "I need you to lay back with your head in the sink. "

"But how are you going to be able to see my stitches?" she ask confused.

I sigh, "Please just do what I told you Julie Beth." She complies and lays down without another word. I turn the water onto warm and get all her hair wet so I can shampoo it. "Now you're going to sit up so I can see alright? Go slow so I can put this towel around you so you don't get soaked."

"Yes ma'am." she says hardly inching up.

"Not that slow" I sigh again. "C'mon Julie we don't have all day."

"Mom you said-"

Julie's POV

"Are you talking back to me? Maybe I need to tell Mama you need to stay here tonight. Maybe even the rest of the week! I am sick of this attitude you've been having lately!" scolds Mom loudly. I feel tears start to form in my eyes, but I try my hardest to blink them back.

"Mom I didn't even do anything!" I yell back.

"That is it Julie Beth!-"

"Hey!" yells Mama walking in."What is going on in here?!"

"Mom's yelling at me for no reason!" I explain starting to cry. "I didn't do anything Mama I promise!"

"Jay stop-" she starts to soothe before Mom cuts her off.

"That is a lie! Carli she's had this attitude for a week!"

"Hope!" shouts Mama before changing to her super scary calm voice she uses when she's angry, "You need to calm down. You are scaring our daughter. Go take a walk or go down to the gym. We will talk when you come back, okay?"

Mom lets out a shaky deep breath, "I can't. I have to finish her hair."

"I'll do it." says Mama carefully taking the towel out of Mom's hands. "I got it. Now go." Mom mumbles something under her breath before leaving. I jump when I hear the door to the room slam. Mama puts the towel around my neck and washes my hair in silence. She only talks to tell me when to lay down and when to sit back up. Once she finishes she helps me down off the counter and hands me my dry shirt to change into. We go and sit on her bed so she can comb out all the knots for me.

"Mama?" I ask quietly.

"What baby?"

"Is Mom okay?" I wonder. "Ouch Mama!" I wince as she brushes out a particularly big tangle.

"Sorry love bug." she apologizes. "Mom's fine."

"Then why'd she get so mad? Mom never gets mad at me. Well she does, but not like that. You're the one who-" I quickly put my hand over my mouth. I wasn't supposed to tell her that last part.

"She's going through some stuff back home. She got a call at five this morning and she's been weird ever since babe. You know how she can get sometimes. She's not the best with controlling emotions, but don't you dare tell her I said that, she'll just get mad at me then." she explains finishing up. "We have an hour and fifteen minutes before we have to be on the bus so I want you to lay down and close those eyes of yours and rest for a little bit."

"Yes ma'am." I say yawning. She smiles and kisses my cheek before pulling the covers down for me to get in. She pulls them back up and kisses my head. "I love you."

"I love you too baby girl. Sleep tight." she says turning off the light.

Carli's POV

I get Julie in bed and tucked in before leaving to find Hope. I don't know what is wrong with her, but she better get to talking to me or I am going to kill her for scaring Jay like that.

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