The new school year

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It started on June 16, 2015 a Monday morning.
It was a sunny day, the first day of school. When Krissy got to school, she saw her
Friends when she was grade 4, Krissy was so happy that they are still her classmates,
Krissy asked her grade 4 adviser before who there adviser was, and he said ' Your adviser is me' then Krissy and her friends where so happy coz they will spend another year with their favorite adviser.

When it was there flag ceremony Krissy and her classmates saw a short boy we said ' maybe he's a grade 2 student' then they where shocked, why you ask cause that short boy is their classmate. Teacher Nic their adviser asked him what his name was ' Hello! What is your name?' Then the short boy answer  ' my name is Nathaniel T. Palcon, sir' Then teacher Nic said ' I am your adviser for grade 5' then Nathaniel was shocked then they all stayed silent cause their principal Dr. Felecitas E. Dela Cruz went in front of  all the students and said ' Good Morning students and parents' and we replied ' Good morning Dr. Dela Cruz' Then Dr. Dela cruz said ' I am so happy that this year we have many or a lot of pupils' then the teachers said ' yes, ma'm we are very happy to that we can teach many students' Everyone stayed silent for 3 seconds and the bff of Krissy came late her name is Becca Black, they have been friends since Krissy was grade 4 but Becca Black is grade 6 now while Krissy is one year lower than Becca. A few minutes pasted while Dr. Dela Cruz was talking one nerd looking girl went to the wife of tr. Nic and asked where grade 5 was and we where shocked that she was our classmate it was the girl teacher Nic has been talking about when they where grade 4, so she went in our classroom and put her bag down and went to our line then Becca looked at Krissy with this iwwed face. Then the end of the flag ceremony we all went back to the classrooms then I hugged Becca and said see you later. Teacher Nic went in the classroom also and said our arrangement will be boy girl boy girl their where 3 girls and 4 boys, teacher Nic said that we need to introduce ourselves but my friend Enzo said we all know our names except those two but teacher Nic didn't listen and must said ' Let's start with Enzo then Andrei, Margarette, Charles, Krissy and the new kids. Enzo was first he said call him Zoe but his full name is Gabrielle Enzo R. Nubla Andrei went next and said call him Andrei then we all giggled then said ' what about Drei' then Andrei said that okay too teacher Nic skipped margarette and Charles but didn't skip me so I had to stand up and say Katherina Krissy karra P. Taleon then teacher Nic told me to stop and said ' She is your president of the class' and We where like okay but Nathaniel said ' what?????? ' then teacher Nic said ' why ' then Nathaniel said ' cause she is a girl ' then we all laughed  and said so what. Omg! i said just shut it and go introduce yourself he followed and said ' I am Nathaniel T. Palcon, I am from Manresa, I live in Mon el ' then he said that's it. I said wait teacher Nic you forgot the new girl, then they where like yeah chur you forgot here then teacher Nic said Chanell stand up and introduce yourself to your new friends then we said chur just classmates then Chanell sighed and said ' Hi! I am Chanell lorenzana m. Queg, I am from Lh Montessori.' Them teacher Nic said ' you can talk to each other the whole day tomorrow you will meet your teachers' and we where like yes!

To be continued hope you like the first Chapter please vote and follow me!

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