The Meeting of students

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Teacher Nic said we are going to meet the teachers right?
So today we will all go to the activity room a.k.a lunch room. So we all sat down of course as always I sit beside my 2 bff's Becca and Micha alviz you haven't met Micha yet cause she always goes to school late but heres a story about Becca and Micha when I was grade 4 becca and Micha where already friends but when we played this game called ' bang sak ' I helped Becca hide so we where there for like 20-30 minutes already cause they couldn't find us, so we started telling each other about ourselves so we became friends. So back to the meeting, when Dr. Dela Cruz came we all stood up and said ' good morning Dr. Dela Cruz' then she replied ' good morning student, teachers, and parents how are you all'? Then they replied ' we are fine' so Dr. Dela cruz asked us if we made new friends we said yes in this weird tone Dr. Dela Cruz said ' today you will meet all your teachers and go around the classroom to say, hello to all then students' so we did then when we where done saying hi we had recess, and I introduced Becca and Micha to Chanell, then Becca wasn't even talking to me so I got annoyed that since I introduced that nerd girl Chanell she didn't talk to me for weeks and weeks she would just say 'hi' and go back to Chanell then after one day they where sitting next to Chanell then I was like wth that is my seat I couldn't take it anymore so I left their group. Then I created my own group with Enzo Margarette Andrei and Charles.

                                     To find out what happens next check chapter 3

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