Nope Chapter 11

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After finding my friend sexing it up in a supply closet I have daughter everything in life.

Definitely not going anywhere else in the morning with amount of alcohol in my system. Lots of Jack Daniels and a few flame shots or whatever they're called here are in my system. I dig.

"No touching there that's something you touch when we're alone" Blake says.
"But I love this ass! It's so firm and plush, and I just want a feel or a few feels" I squeeze his cheeks.

"Please! It's so squishy I'm gonna die!"
"No more cartoons for you" he saunters. What no I love cartoons.
"No they're my life"
"Would you choose me over cartoons?"he asks.

I peck his lips and then a make out session. What can I say I got-oh-oh- to throw up. I move away from him and dart my drunk self to the restroom.

Momma I made it!!! I groan and shimmy to a stall and vomit. I'm never drinking again! Says everyone who has been in my situation.

I feel a lot better as I stand up and make my way to the sink. I feel better but boy I don't look good at all. Smeared lipstick and a lovely pale green face.

Amazing right? No! I look a mess. Luckily I don't have on makeup or I'd be a full tragedy for all horror stories.

I turn on the faucet and start to gargle water.


I smell my breath and faint alcohol and no trace of vomit. Good. Barely sober but I'm good. I slash water on my face and sigh. I am doing great things with life now that I think about it.

Got two men. Getting good grades in my college works. Got a good job. Make semi good money. Got great friends. Got great family. Why am I thinking about this now? Do I need to stop and smell the roses or something? Well I Hate Roses!

In my drunken state I might not remember anything tomorrow. Hopefully!

I sit there... thinking about life and food I can have when I get home. Yum! Food! I want some chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's. Maybe Wendy's. Idk. Maybe some pain killers and water.

"There you are you ran out on me"
"Blake I need water and food and pills" I mumble "Pills and potions! We're overdosen I'm angry but I still love you" i sing. "Doubt those words were right" I say.

He laughs. "You are something else"
"Thank you"
"Wanna get outta here and head back to my place?"
"Yeah this was fun and very pleasant to be with you groping you all night"  I smile. We share a laugh and we head out.

We walk past the bar and the bartender shouts "Another one for the couple?!"
"Nope" we shout simultaneously.  
We walk away and go to his house.
A bed!!!!!! I need one!!!!!

"You're butt is so cute I like it!" I squeal.
We laugh.
"Babe leave the booty alone please"
"Then you have to leave mine alone"
"That is no fair"

"All is fair between love and war" I smile discreetly and go to the bathroom. I hop in the shower and about ten minutes in the doorbell rings.

I continue to bathe myself and finish and get out. I wrap a towel around me and go to his bedroom. I walk to where my bag is and get out a pair of blue lace bra and panties, fuzz blue socks, grey joggers, and a blue t-shirt with the words Basic Boss on it. Perfecto!

I dress in the clothing and walk out after making myself presentable. I walk into the kitchen to see a woman looking in the cupboards.

"Hello?" I say nicely.
She stops what she's doing and turn to me. She's very beautiful. Long silk brown hair, stellar eyes like Blake's a little bit, and her cheek bones... Oh his mom.

"Hi dear you are?"
"Monroe you must be Blake's mom right?"
"Yes I am who are you t-"

"Monroe ah you are out the shower!"Blake says walking over to us. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. And I twitch a bit but settle into him.

"Mom meet Monroe" he says.
"Monroe meet Mo-Clarissa" he says.
"Nice to meet you Clarissa" I say extending my hand. She nods and shakes my hand. She hesitated. Oh well I don't care if she doesn't like my well being.

"And who is Monroe to you dear son?"his mother asks.
"My girlfriend" he says lividly.

I am astounded by this but no.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*takes quick breath* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Nope not happening. Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope.... With an extra pop the p on top. Hell no! Uh-uh fuck that.

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