Not happening Chapter 7

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I get up from his hold and walk to his bathroom down the hall. I am naked. I am cold. I'm getting more horny by the breeze touching my skin.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the light. Everything from last night falls into place in my head. Mostly the sex, and the cheesecake we had for dessert. Yum.

I finish wiping after I pee, flush, and wash my hands. I take a look at myself in the mirror and I look good. Minus the hickeys on my boobs and shoulder and collarbone, and stomach. My thighs start to hurt.

I spread them and a few hickeys are there as well. Great job Blake. Great job.

Water off, light off back to the room I go. I open the door back up and see Blake playing with himself. Oh this makes me more wet. My god his dick must have gotten bigger.

"You could have waited for me to get back" I purr walking over to him. I sit in between his legs and smirk at him.
"What?" He huskily says.
"Can I?"
"Yeah you do it better anyways"
I smile and say "I will take that as a compliment".

We laugh and his hardens more as I watch it.
I clench my thighs. I take his hard member into my hand stroke him slowly.

"Shit" he moans.
I move my other hand to his balls and massage them. He moans throwing his head back in pleasure. I see pre cüm dripping out of his tip. I slide my tongue over it lick him. So sweet. I want more. I put my mouth on his tip and start to suck him down.

"Mm fück Monroe" he moans. I massage his balls thoroughly and he grabs my hair because of my tease. He pulls my head head up and down on his member. More moans surface, as does more sweet pre cüm to tell me he's close.
"Fuck I'm close" he grits out as I continue to stroke him with my mouth.

I bob my head on him a few more times and then somewhat sweet cüm spews in my mouth. I swallow it and move closer to his face. We share a heated kiss and he flips us to where I'm on my back and he's hovering over me.

"You taste good Blake" I say. He smiles and kisses me.
"Time to know what you taste like" he says and moves lower down to my bikini line trailing kisses all the way.
He spreads my legs and smirks. He moves his head (face) closer to my entrance and....
"Mother?" I shout as I open the front door.
No answer. Weird.
"Hello anyone home" I shout walking into the kitchen. Still no answer. I go to the fridge and get out some fruit. Strawberries and blueberries! Yum!

I grab a bowl from the cabinet next to me and pour 6 strawberries and 30 blueberries in it. I place the remaining in the fridge and turn.
I scream.
"What the hell is wrong with you Kevin?" I complained.
"When did you get back" he yawns. I walk closer to him and sit on the counter.

He comes and stands in front of me.
"Just got here" I say.
"So we still going to Marie Calendars" he jokes.
"Ugh you're so mean, but yes we are"
I love pie, and all pie related things!
"Wanna eat there or something?"
"We can, but it's up to you. You're the one whole started to plan all of this"

"Can I ask you something" he asks taking a few blueberries.
"Sure" I say stuffing a strawberry in my mouth.
"Are you a virgin" he asks.
I spit my fruit out to the side as I almost choke.
"What? Why would you ask that"
"Because I don't see you anymore and I want to catch up like old times" he says.

"Before I answer where is mom and dad" I ask.
"Went to get little Caroline yesterday and they're coming back tomorrow"

"Oh yeah I miss that kid oh and No I'm not" I say ashamed. He probably thinks his little chunks isn't his anymore.
"Chunks your lying" he says horrified.
"Nope I lost it freshman year in college"
"How come you didn't tell me"
"Because that's not something you discuss with your older brother"

"Right sorry, and when do you leave back to school"
"Since I'm ahead in all classes I'd say I can leave like in a month or a little less"
"Cool, so can I just have the rest of this" he asks.
He snatches my bowl before I could say anything. He walks away and shouts "thanks Chunks"

After making another bowl of fruit I head straight to my room.
Ahh my room. I miss Blake already.
I take a seat on my bed and turn on my tv. Hocus Pocus comes on. Isn't Halloween over with. Shouldn't we be focusing on food day (thanksgiving) and Christmas?

I sit and watch Hocus Pocus while eating my fruit. Rattle rattle rattle.
What the fuck is that?
"Hello?" I call out.
No answer. Oh god I'm not checking for the sound. The sound comes again but more than three times.

It's coming from my closet! Oh no. Don't fuck up my clothes they're my best friends.
"Kevin!" I scream.
He comes into my room flustered.
"The closet I think someone is in there" I panic.

"Fuck no you better get out this room" he says.
"Check what it is please"
"Hell no that is not happening"
"Please Kevin I'm scared"
"What's in it for me"
"I would fuck you for all I care just check to see what the damn thing is" I screech.

He tilts his head to the side and smirks at me. Wait! No! I didn't mean to say that! Oh shit! I walk over to the door behind Kevin. He walks forward and finally reaches the closet. I close my eyes as he grabs the door handle.

"Boo" I hear a boom filled voice yell.
I scream and try to run away but successfully run into the door because my eyes are closed and knock myself out cold. Thanks to the person that's in there.

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