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Wednesday was Taehyung's least favorite and also favorite day of the week. The downside was that it was the middle of the week, meaning that he still had two more agonizingly slow days to get through. The upside was that he received files of new patients.

Every Wednesday morning Taehyung always would turn the lights on in his office to find a fresh stack of files placed neatly on top of his desk. It was what he looked forward to each week, besides Friday of course.

Being a well-known psychiatrist at one of the biggest mental research facilities in Seoul comes with a big paycheck and a lot of stress. Waking up every morning knowing he would have to deal with a vast variety of different mental illnesses, some worse than others, filled the man's body with some sort of ecstasy, an excitement even. To be abled to look into a mind and see just what someone was thinking, what someone is believing. And knowing that he could be the change in someone's life, he could be the person to figure out the maze in so many mysteries behind a person.

To say that Taehyung loved his job was a complete understatement.

But as I said, this job comes with a lot of stress: physically, mentally, and also emotionally.

Taehyung had dealt with people with eating disorders, severe paranoia, depression, self-hatred, schizophrenia, and many other illnesses that are a hard subject to comprehend.

He'd seen people fall apart right in front of his eyes as if there was no hope for them left in this godforsaken world.

He'd had patients who've never recovered of even improved from their illnesses. Just to be thrown back out into this cruel world without a hand to hold on to.

But Taehyung also had multiple patients prosper. He'd seen many of the people that he'd helped grow stronger and overcome the hardships that they so happened to have been cursed with.

And that's what encourages him to help more people; to be abled to see them walk out of his office doors with a smile on their faces, leaving the young man with a warm heart and a clear conscience.

Today was no different. That bubbling pride deep within Taehyung's stomach as he picked up the multiple new files on his desk caused a small smile to form across his face.

These people need my help. He thought.

That's the only thing that was running through his mind as he flipped through the files, reading through each one, getting an idea of what he'd be dealing with in the days to come.

There were only two files today: one female and one male.

He read through the file on top first, seeing it was an elderly woman who was suffering from ptsd. After a few minutes he moved on to the next file, that of a young man.

He opened the file, taking out the picture that was paper-clipped to the inside cover.

It was of a young boy, maybe 14 or 15. He had raven-colored hair that stopped just above his doe like eyes. The deep black pigment of them were a stark contrast to his pale skin, the right one holding a purple and black bruise underneath. His cheeks were a deep shade of red, blotched where it looked like he had been crying prior to the picture being taken.

Taehyung flipped the photograph over, seeing words scribbled into the back.

Jeon Jungkook -14 yrs
16 November 2011

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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