Chapter 1 - S.t Marie Academy

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I'm going to meet Kashino,
Hanabusa and Andou in this school. I'm so happy to meet them. I wonder if they're going to be happy to see me?

"We're here."Narumi said. I look outside the window to see the big building of my old school. It's really been a long time.

Once I got off the car, Hotaru started to take pictures of Ruka. Natsume was just staring at Ruka, but if you look closely he was trying to not laugh. That looks funny to be honest.

"So just go over there and that's where someone should come out ."Narumi said weird, he told us like he didn't care about us anymore.

I nodded.

"I am going to miss you!!."Narumi yelled a little bit of tears in his eyes. He left afterwards. Oh well, that was a good time being with him. But now I won't be able to see him, so sad.

I feel weird being back at my old school. So much stuffs they learned without me and even they made some more new friends...

"Hello!! I am Kato Rumi."Rumi cheerfully smiled proudly at us.

"Hey Rumi-san."I said.

"Hey Mikan-chan." Rumi replied back with a grin. I still remember, we had class together but since I left I didn't saw her anymore.

"Where is our room?"Ruka ask her.

"I'm going to tell you."Rumi said, we follow her.


"So Imai your with me and Mikan you have your own room." Yes!! I have my own room.

"Nogi your with Andou and Natsume you have your own room." Huh, Natsume has his own room too. He must be feeling good of himself.

"We should go,"I said already wanting to go to my room.

" Yeah but Mikan you have to take the boys to their room because I need to do my stuffs. " Rumi said rushing.

" Then why did you came? " Hotaru ask. That sounded harsh for me, but it's why did she came.

" So I can tell you what room your on. " Rumi replied yelling as she ran away quickly.

" Then I'm leaving, bye. " Hotaru said not caring at all.

" Then I'm leaving too, bye. "I said already walking away from everyone.

" Your not leaving, you have to show us our room. " Natsume said angry. Ugh. I wanted to leave.

" Okay then, lets go."I told them.



"Everyone! We got 4 new students!" The sensei said cheerfully.

"I am Imai, Hotaru." Some boys stared at her soo much that some girls were inspired by her.

"I am Nogi, Ruka." There one squeal like a mice that made all boys get jealous.

"Hyuuga." He forgot his name. That stupid meany Natsume. But I shouldn't call him Stupid because I am the stupid one .

"Sakura mikan"I said cheerfully.

"Ewww your to ugly girl"ayukawa-san said. She had dark brown hair and it was really long, her hair.

"Stop it!"Rumi said

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