Alpha Kiss Me

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Another day, another birthday. Girls are in a hurry to get ready for the showing. We want to look our very best if we do happen to meet our mate today. As soon as a male wolf turns 18 he is brought here, where us girls have been since we were 11, waiting. The shrill whistle cuts through the air as I finish brushing my brown curls. 

I scamper to my spot in line, smoothing out my blue dress, and I can't but to think, what if my mate is here today? After 6 years of being trapped here and doing the same thing every day, my mate could be here. I hate it here, afterall I shouldn't even be here. Both my parents were werewolves, but somehow, I am human. I still have excellent senses, but my wolf just never developed. It happens to a few people here and there, but it devestating to the family, especially if the child is a boy. However, I was sent here when I was 11 because there was still a chance that I would have a mate. But I don't think that they ever thought of the consequences of what would happen if I don't have a mate? Will I remain here until I die?

The door opens and the wind gushes in and its mixed with many different smells. However, one stands out. My heart goes into overdrive, that has to be my mate! It takes all of my self control to not cut everyone in line, and scour out my mate. 

Time seems to be dragging on forever as I watch most girls walking off the stage sobbing. But a select few get the joy of walking off with their mates, giving the rest of us a sliver of hope for the days to come. As I see this happen, it leaves fewer and fewer to be my mate. 

The nerves kick in as my foot touches the first stair. Then the second. Then the third. When my foot touches the platform their is a bone chilling growl. My mate. He shouldn't be growling. My bottom lip begins to quiver as my mind starts relaying different scenerios, all of them where he rejects me. I walk past many guys, all of them chained to the ground, and none of them make a peep.

I stop infront of a man who is staring at me with piercing green eyes, his black hair is askew, his strong jaw is clenched, and he is straining to get out of the bonds. My lips part slightly as I let out a shakey breath. He is no doubt, the sexiest manI have ever seen. With his eyes trained on me he growls, "Unchain me."

The supervisor chirps quietly, "I can't."

His head swivels to her, and his fists are clenched in anger, "LET ME TOUCH WHAT IS MINE!"

My eyes widen at the Alpha tone in his voice, and my stomach starts fluttering when I realize he called me his. Alpha. My mate is an Alpha. Which means I am a Luna, but I am a human. My heart breaks, a human cannot be Luna. 

The supervisor has a spell on her so the Alpha tone has no effect on her, "I'm sorry Alpha Carter but I cannot do that until you calm down. We can't have you harming anyone."

His eyes swirl from green to black, "YOU THINK I WOULD HARM MY MATE?"

The supervisor seems flustered, so I do the only thing I can think of. I walk towards him. My eyes remain on him, and I whisper, "Calm down."

He growls, but not as loud this time. My fingers are shaking like leaves as I kneel down so we are eye level, "My name is Cosette."

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