Chapter 15. Hospital

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I was sitting in the waiting room while the doctors where trying to help mom.

I hope everything goes well because I can't handle losing her.

When I was deep in thoughts the door bursts open and guess who stormed in...


My dad.

"Dad!" I yelled running into his arms. "Violetta" he said while a couple of tears were running down his cheek.

I cried too.

"I missed you" I cried. "I missed you too..." He sighed.

"You grow up so fast" he smiled looking at me. "We didn't see each other for 10 years, of ours I grow up" I said.

He smiled a little kissing my head. "What happened to your mother?" He asked.

"Well I will begin from when we came to Madrid" I said. He nodded and I continued.

"When we moved here she was happy at the first time. A couple of weeks later she began to be... Sad and a little... Well, not her" I said.

He nodded saying I've to continue.

"When I was 12 I found out she was a drug addict and I guess weed too. It was because she missed you too much and she was very depressed. I never said I found out about her addiction" I said with a tear running down my face.

"It got worse with mom and the only thing she did was sleeping, crying and taking drugs and smoking. But never when I was home"

I saw he tried to hold back his tears.

"And today, when I got home from school she lied there on the floor lifeless. I freaked out and called the first number I saw in her phone and that was you. And now we're here waiting for her to survive" I sighed tears streaming down my face.

He hugged me and whispered that it will be alright.

"Violetta Castillo? You can come in.."

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