Chapter 14. 911

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When I was finally out of school I headed home with my friend Ella.

"Bye Ella!" I said walking to my front door. "Bye Vi!" She smiled.

I opened the door and headed in. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled.

No response... Hmm that's strange, usually she's always home.

"Mom??" I said walking to her room. I walked in when I nearly got a heart attack.

Mom was laying on the ground lifeless... Omg! "Mom!!?!?!" I yelled while tears streamed down my face.

"Please mom... You made a promise" I cried. I have to call someone.

I looked in mom's phone and called the first number I saw what was my dad...

After a couple of seconds he picked up.

"Hello German Castillo speaking"

"Dad!!! Please I need your help!" I cried. I didn't care that I haven't talk to him for 10 years but I need help right now.

"V-Vilu..?" He asked shocked.

"Dad please come to Madrid! I need you! Mom got an overdose drugs!" I cried.

He went silent for a moment and then asked for the address of the hospital.

"I will there in a couple of hours" he said. Thank god.

After I hung up I immediately called 911. After a couple of minutes they came and took mom away while I was by her side.

I will always be by her side, forever. Whatever happens.

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