Chapter 3. Fight

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Why me...

Why has MY husband to cheat on me! His wife!

I laid away his phone while tears were steaming down my face like a waterfall.

"A-Angie! Why are you crying honey?" He asked walking towards me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed still with tears and mascara all over my face.

"What is it?" He asked. "Oh please! Don't play dumb!" I screamed.

"How do you dare cheating on me?? How? Tell me!" I yelled pushing his chest every word I said.

He grew quiet...

"You're a freaking asshole! I love you, we're married and you're cheating on me! Why?!?! Why?! Answer me!" I yelled.

"I-I..." He stuttered. "Do you love me?" I asked now calming down a bit.

Just a little bit.

"What?" He asked confused. "I said do you love me?" I said now whispering.

He didn't say anything. I nodded walking upstairs with now more tears streaming down my face.

"Angie wait!" He shouted grabbing my wrist.

"What?" I whispered in a weak tone. "I love you. I really do" he said. I saw in his eyes he meant it but I still can't forgive him.

Not yet.

"If you really love me, why do you cheat on me?" I asked still crying.

"I-I don't know..." He sighed. "I really don't. It only happened once and I know it's still cheating but... I guess I was just caught up in her lust" he said looking in my eyes.

"If you don't get enough action with me in bed you also could just say it" I snapped a little.

"I know I'm sorry I'm just really stressed out" he said with his hands in his hair.

"I'm going to bed" I said not knowing what to say. I heard a soft 'okay' and walked to our room.

Once I was in my room when I heard the front door shut.

No... Not again.

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