Part One.

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Nate POV- 

 I woke up to the sound of cars rushing past outside and the sun streaming in. I can't even remember what happened last night, but my head is telling me it wasn't good.

"Can I come in?" I heard a voice from behind the door.

"Erm.. Yeah. Just give me a second" I shouted back, grabbing something to cover my naked body.

"Okay, I'm coming in" I saw Emily's cute face peek round the door.

"Hey Em" I said, beckoning her over for a hug. She came over, hugged me and sat next to me on the bed.

"Calmed down now?" she asked

"What do you mean?

"Last night, when I told you my news"

"What news?" I was racking my brain for answers/

Emily POV -

How could he forget? He said he was happy for me, and we celebrated with drinks. He said he was sad to see me go, but wished me luck

"I'm leaving the band"

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