Chapter 5

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"Hey, Destinee!" Faith stopped me as the bell rang and we started for the door. I looked at her. "Where you headed next?"

I looked down at the piece of paper with my schedule. "Uh, vocal music."

"Awesome! Same here," she replied. I smiled. "I'll show you how to get there."

She hooked her arm with mine and we started down the hallway. "So. How's the first day been?"

"Oh. It's been great. I guess. I got called adorable by some seniors, ran into at least two people, and I'll probably run into more," I explained.

She laughed. "Great start, right? Don't worry. No matter how many people you crash into, you'll love it here. I guarantee it. Oh look, we're here!"

We walked into the classroom. We were pretty much the only people there. The only others were two girls and two adults.

"Destinee, those two are the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. King.

"They're married? He looks way older," I said to no one in particular, but slightly directed it to Faith.

"No, no, no. Mrs. King is Mr. King's daughter," she explained.

I cocked my head to the side. "But then wouldn't she be Miss King?"

Faith shook her head. "She's married to a guy with the same last name. Most people just call her Candace, though. It's her first name. You know what lets just drop the subject and take a seat. Bell's gonna ring soon."

I shrugged and followed Faith to a row of chairs and sat beside her as people piled in and took their seats.

As soon as the bell rang, Mr. King and Candace walked to the front of the room. "Hello, stars!" Candace exclaimed. "I'm Candace and this is my dad, Mr. King. We're thrilled to be able to have you as students again!" She looked around the room, scanning us. "I don't think we have any new-"

Her gaze landed on me. I looked around, feeling a little awkward. You know that feeling you get when your teacher just stares at you and the whole class follows their gaze and pretty soon everyone's eyes are on you? Yeah, I had that feeling.

"You," Candace pointed to me. "Haven't seen you in these halls before. Name? Age? Favorite marsupial?"

I looked at her with my best what-the-crap-is-up-with-you look. "Uh, Destinee Schultz, sixteen, and tree kangaroos, koalas, or wallabies?"

She nodded in agreement. "Tree kangaroo? I like that. Good answer. Where are you from and why are you here?"

I sighed. "Originally from Sweetcorn, Wisconsin, but moved to California so my brother, Ross, could go to school here and not be far from home."

I heard a snigger from behind me. "Sweetcorn, Wisconsin?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around, glaring at the guy who said that. "Yes, Sweetcorn, Wisconsin. It's a farm town in Wisconsin that has a population around tree hundred people. It has a school, a lake, a creek, a pond, a thrift store, a grocery store, a cafe, a drugstore, a post office, a music store, and tons and tons of open fields and farms."

"Did you eat lots of cheese and watch Packer games all the time?"

I nodded matter-of-factly. "Every Sunday night."

"Did you Live on a cow farm, too?" he exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.

"You know it," I said, narrowing my eyes. "Where are you from?"

"Uh, Canada?"

"Oh. How many days does it take to drive your dog sled to get to the next hockey game? I mean, it must be pretty difficult with snowstorms every day and no roads, eh? By the way, do you like to eat your poutine with maple syrup from the trees you tap yourself?" I smirked. He didn't look as amused as the rest of the class. "Oh that's right. Those are just stereotypes, aren't they, eh?"

His mouth dropped and he didn't say anything.

I laughed. "Puh-lease. Don't play the stereotype game with me. I always win." I turned back to the front and smiled and Candace and Mr. King. "You were saying?"


Alright first off, DON'T KILL ME!!!! I know I said I would update like two weeks ago, but I don't know where this chapter was going. I sowwy :(

Secondly, I hope I didn't offend you Wisconsins and Canadians... 0-0

Anyway, sorry for the late update, and I hope you liked his chapter! I promise you it'll get better and I'm going to ATTEMPT to promise you guys that ill update by this weekend, but don't quote me on that.

SEEYA! Stay crispy my little bacon bits (yep, you are now bacon bits instead of balogna slices. It sounds better (;

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