"Stacey usually watches them but she's on a trip with Coltrane." Candace sighed.
"How...how about I watch them?" I suggested.

I was surprised that was coming out of my mouth. But I was desperate for something unusual and her brothers's weird inventions just screamed unusual.

"Really?!" She exclaimed. Monty looked surprised and I shrugged.
"Sure. I'll even have you on speed dial in case they do anything 'bustable'" I offered, whipping out my cell phone.
"Oh thank you, Vanessa!" She said and gave me a hug. It was awkward but she was happy so ok.

Candace gave me her number and then rushed out to continue the rest of her date with Jeremy.

"So...babysitting huh?" Monty smirked.
"They're thirteen. I'm sure I can handle it." I said, standing up.
"You're going now?" He asked, standing up too.
"Yea. I wanna meet them before I actually start watching them." I said. "See you later, Monty."
"See ya" He said.

When I got to her house, I didn't see anything or hear anything that suggested that they were building something.

"Hello?" I rang the doorbell and waited. I could hear footsteps and the door opened.

A green-haired boy with purple overalls answered the door and looked at me weirdly.

"Um hi. I'm Vanessa. Is this the Flynn-Fletcher house?" I asked.

No answer.

"Oh sorry hi! I'm Phineas and this is my brother, Ferb! Nice to meet you! Don't worry about him, he doesn't talk much." A boy with an orange striped shirt and blue cargo shorts said.

They looked a bit familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Do you wanna come in? We're just hanging with our friends." Phineas offered and I came inside.

I entered their house and looked around. It looked like a normal house and it was actually quite comfy.

In the kitchen, there was a girl and two guys sitting at the counter.

"Hi! I'm Isabella!" A Latino looking girl with raven black hair said. Her pink dress and pink bow was a bit too girly for me but on her, it was actually quite cute.

A tougher looking boy was a holding an Indian boy and looked like he was giving him...a wedgie.
"I'm Buford and this is my nerd, Baljeet." He said and continued giving the boy a wedgie.

I didn't say anything. I've seen weirder.

"So did Candace send you?" Phineas asked me.
"Lemme guess. To make sure that those two aren't doing anything 'bustable'" Isabella said like it was no big deal.
"Uh yea she did." I answered. This must've happened on a regular basis because they weren't surprised.
"Called it!" Buford shouted and dropped Baljeet on the floor.
"Buford!" Baljeet shouted and brushed himself off.
"Well sorry to disappoint but we aren't doing anything right now. We finished our invention today and it just disappeared an hour ago like usual." Phineas said. "Hey Isabella, hand me the bread please."
"Of course, Phineas" Isabella said and handed him some bread.

I noticed that when their hands touched, she swooned a bit. So she's got a crush on him. I looked to see if Phineas noticed anything but he was just humming as he made a sandwich. Oh that's right. Candace mentioned something about obliviousness running in their family. Maybe I should help her...

"Well I'll be watching you when Candace goes out tomorrow so I'll guess I'll be seeing you guys more." I said.
"Cool! You can come and help with our inventions! Unless you're not allowed." Phineas said.
"Why not?" I shrugged.

I saw a small real platypus crawling across the floor. He looked familiar.

"Perry?" I said and picked him up.
"Oh there you are Perry!" Phineas said.
"How do you know Perry?" Isabella asked.

I looked at Perry. He was only facing me and he was pleading for me not to say anything. No wonder Phineas and Ferb looked familiar. I'd seen them on the little locket that Perry kept in his hat.

"Don't worry. I'll keep your secret. My dad couldn't live without you." I whispered and he smiled.

"No matter! Perry's home!" Phineas said. Apparently they didn't hear what I said and I handed Perry over to Phineas.
"Phineas! Ferb!" I heard the door slam and Candace appeared with Jeremy following her.
"Oh Vanessa! You're here!" Candace said. "Will you be able to come tomorrow? I have a test to study for and I'm going to Jeremy's." She asked.
"Yea ok." I said.
"Thanks Vanessa! You're the best!" Candace said.
"Well it was nice meeting you guys. See you tomorrow." I said.
"Bye Vanessa!" They said. Except Ferb. He was still staring at me with this weird expression.
"Um bye Ferb" I said.
Again no answer.

Dad was at home watching tv while his robot butler, Norm, was cleaning up the Inator and fixing the broken door.

"Vanessa dear! You're home!" Dad said, waving at me.
"Hel-lo, Va-ness-a!" Norm said. I guess Norm was my sorta brother because my Dad made him. He was ok to hang around with when no one was home.
"Dad I'm going to a friends house tomorrow." I said.
"Ok sure darling." He said and I went to my room.

I saw a flash of green dart out of my room and jumped off the window.
"Wait!" I shouted. I saw a parachute and the guy ran when he landed. He'd left something on my bed and I looked over. It was a small red rose. For some reason it smelled like vanilla. How'd he know I love vanilla and roses?

I set it in a vase next to my bed. Maybe I'll find him tomorrow.

This is my first fanfic. Sorry if it's too long. Thanks for reading! Cliffhanger! Dedicating this to JasonHibiki for helping me!

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