The Begining

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5:45 AM
It is day 1 of this new mission, Stella Barnes and Marcus Delaire (Del-air-e) are preparing for the long journey ahead of them. They know not of what lays in front of them. They might not even make it. But no matter what we have to try. It's the only way to truly survive. Even if we have to sacrifice everything we will. But most importantly we have too.

6:15 AM
Marcus's POV
Here is the day we have been waiting for, a very long time. We don't know what lays ahead of us, but we can only go forward now. Looking to the past is hopeless. We can't learn from the past on this. We just created it so looking back is pointless. We can only pray to learn from our mistakes that lead up to this. Heaven help us we created this mess now how do we fix it? We need all the help we can get right now. Stella and I are 2 out of how many, that were picked to help and try to fix this problem? That is if we survive.

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