I felt the bed dip down and  the blanket pulled away a little. Then i felt a pair of arms wrap around me waist and pull me closer to him. I burrowed my head into his chest and closed my eyes again.

I was almost asleep but then I heard my phone buzz on the table. Then again and again. Here come the hate.

I shifted to get out of Niall's arms so i could go look at what they were saying about me. But Niall only tightened his grip on me. "No. Just stay here for now. We can look at it all later. I just want to stay here with you, since tonight didn't go as planned." He said then pulled me even closer to him.

I didn't refuse, just layed back down next to him.

"Niall I need to go get some water."  I said then got up from the bed and walked out. But not before I sneakily grabbed my phone off the table next to the bed. I waked down the stairs to the kitchen and sat on the counter.

I unlocked my phone and got on Tweeter. But to my surprise there wasn't much hate. I set my phone down on the counter and just sat there and looked up at the ceiling,

"Babe? You alright?" I heard Niall ask as he took a seat on the counter next to me. I gave him a small nod and leaned my head on his shoulder. And he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"Cass, I have to tell you something. I cant hold it anymore." I took me head off his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes. He had a serious look on his face which concerned me.

"Cassie, me and the boys have to go back on tour early." he said and my heart stopped.

"H-how early?" I managed to get out.

"A month earlier then we were going to go back." he said. Then I realized it. The boys only had one month left before they left, that means...

"wait that means you go back-" I couldn't hold it any longer. I let the tears fall down my cheeks. Niall nodded his head yes then wiped my tears away with his thumb. Then he pulled my head into his chest and hugged me as I cried into his chest.

"W-when do y-you leave?" I said between sobs.

"On Friday." He whispered into my ear which made me cry even harder. I pulled away from his arms and looked at him.

"Niall that is in 2 days." I said in a whisper. He looked at me and nodded. I got off the counter and dusted my shorts off. Niall hopped off the counter also and looked at me. He wiped my tears away. before he could pull his hand away from my face I grabbed it and held it in mine.

"Come one. Lets go to bed. It's pretty late". He said then took my hand and started to walk up the stairs.

I got up to me room and Niall went to his room. I told him I just wanted to be alone tonight. So he went to his own room.

I put on some shorts and my green and blue sports bra. I let my hair out of its messy bun and got into bed.

"GOOD NIGHT NIALL!" I yelled really loud so he could hear me from across the hall.

"GOOD NIGHT CASSIE! SWEET DREAMS!" he yelled back. I nestled myself into the blankets on the bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but i couldn't. I pulled out my ear buds and turned on some music. I did this when I couldn't sleep and it would usually make me sleepy. But I just couldn't sleep. I looked at my alarm clock on the night stand. And the bright numbers flash 2:34 am. And I still hadn't slept at all. I pulled out my phone and got on Twitter.

 @Cassir_MArrow: I cant sleep tonight. Not even a wink of sleep will come my way.

I quickly Tweeted the put my phone back on the table and tried to sleep again but i couldn't even close my eye, I was so awake.

"CASSIE! COME HERE!." I heard Niall yell from across the hall. Why was he still awake?

I got up and walked into his room. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the bed.

"I couldn't sleep. And I saw your Tweet." He said with his head still in his hands.

"Come on." I said and pulled him down so that we could lay down in the bed. I pulled the blankets over us and I snuggled up to him.

"Good Night, Ni." I gave him a peck on the cheek and put my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. And we both drifted off to sleep.

**************Author's Note*************

I have made a decision on if there is going to be a sequel or not. So drum roll please.............................

Yes, there is going to be a sequel.

I want to thank a new friend that I have meet on here. (She is also a close friend to my best friend) I have dedicated this chapter to her, so please go follow her. She has some amaZAYNing stories, that you should really check out!!! @Gingersodapop7

She was the one who decided on the 'winning vote' on if there should be a sequel or not.

The final vote was ..... yes-35....no-24 

But i have some other 'good news' ..........

 I am also going to start to write another Fanfic.

Since I will be writing two stories at one time, you guys have to bare with me. Updates might take awhile. But i just hope you guys will understand.


  Katie <3

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