Chapter 16 - The arrival

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A/n: Okay first of all I don't know why I just remember to do this now but a big shoutout to Hex_Dragon for the amazing book cover, I got the cover like last year and was supposed to do this shout out once I finished the chapter I was working on but it slip my mind and I just remember it now, you guys know that they say better late than never so anyways on with the story
(Aido's P.O.V)

It's been more than an hour but we finally reached the mansion "wow" I heard lili-chan said as we drove nearer the front door "welcome home master Aido and honored guests" the servants greeted as we stepped out of the car "wow" I faintly heard lili-chan said "let me help you with your luggage miss" one of my servant said "ohh um thank you but I can carry it myself" she said "master what is a vampire hunter doing here???" One of the butlers asked "his here to accompany lili-chan" I said "lili-chan???, surely you don't mean the girl standing next to him right sir???" He replied "but why would a vampire hunter accompany that female vampire???" He asked me "ahahaha, your so silly Alfred she's not a vampire" I said to him "um sorry to interrupt your little reunion but I really need to see that book Hanabusa" lili-chan said "oh yeah this way" I said as I lead the way to the library "you two should at least put your things in your rooms so it won't be much of a bother" I said as I point them there rooms "your rooms are just right across each other while my room is the one next to yours, so in case you got into trouble or something happens to you Zero and I will be able to come to your aid" I said to lili-chan then we continue our way to the library.

"Wow" lili-chan said as we enter the library "that's a lot of books, how will we ever find the right one???" I heard lili-chan asked "by starting to read them, and just think that it's the academy's library" I said as I begun to walk to the first isle "there's got be a way to narrow our search" lili-chan said following me "do you remember anything about the book like what it looks like???" Lili-chan once again asked "well I remember it having a maroon cover" I said "hate to break it to you aido but almost all your book have the same maroon cover" zero said as he grab two books and showed them to me "come on Hanabusa there must be something special about this book that will help us locate it" lili-chan said "sorry lili-chan but that's all I can remember" I said to her and with a heavy sigh she replied "fine we'll start reading ALL the books that has a maroon cover" she said with sarcasm "aido you take this isle while me and zero take the next ones" she said as she and zero walked to their own isle "I better get started then" I said as I grab a book from the shelf and begun to read it.

We've been reading books after books and before we realize it it was already lunch time "ahhh I'm hungry" lili-chan whined as she stood up and stretched "now that you mention it it's already lunch, so how about we go down and see what's cooking???" I suggest also standing up from my seat "you coming zero???" Lili-chan asked "No thanks I'm good, you go and eat" he said as he continue reading the book in his hands "okay, suit yourself" lili-chan said as she turned to my direction "well then lead the way" she said "right this way m'lady" I said as I bow down with one hand extended to the exit and one is in my stomach earning me a laugh from lili-chan in which I soon joined her

Once we reached the kitchen a mouth watering aroma met our nose "Hmmm it smells good" lili-chan said as she inhaled deeply "good afternoon m'lord how may I help you" my butler greeted us "what's for lunch???" I asked as me and lili-chan made our way to the dining table "well for today the chef prepared different French cuisine like Bouillabaisse, Duck Confit, French onion soup, and for dessert we have Mousse au Chocolat" my butler said as I help lili-chan with her sit "I see" I replied as I sit across from lili-chan "so what do you wanna eat???" I asked "well I have no idea what does are so you pick for me" she said "okay then we'll have the duck confit and the chocolate mousse" I said "right away m'lord" my butler said as he left to get our food and while waiting for the food me and lili-chan talked about random things and once it arrive we begun to eat "ahh that was delicious" look-chan said as she wipe her lips and drink her water "it was wasn't it" I said "so are you the only one who lives here???" Lili-chan suddenly asked "well sort of akatsuki sometimes stay here with me but other than him it's just me and the servants" I replied "hmm must feel lonely staying here huh" she replied "yeah it is that's why I spend my time in the library reading books and such, it helps me escape the lonely atmosphere of the mansion" I replied as I felt something warm resting above my hand only to recognize it as the hand of the woman who makes me mad just by looking at her lips "well you don't have to be lonely now since zero and I will be here" she said flashing me with that sweet smile of hers.

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