Chapter 15 - to the aido mansion

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(Lilliana's P.0.V)

It's been week since "that" happened and I still can't take it off my mind. I was walking down the hall to my next class when I heard someone called for me "lili-chan!!!" I turned around and saw hanabusa walking towards me with a herd of girls following him "can I talk to you" he said "your talking to me now aren't you???" I answered back "hahaha true, but kidding aside I really need to talk to you....alone" he said and his voice change into a serious one and I just looked at him why is he suddenly all serious "I may have found something about it" he said and my eyes widen, I just nodded at him and he bid farewell to his fangirls.

"Speak" I said once we're alone "you see I've read a book about a love story between A pure blood and a vampire hunter and it mentioned about a descendant that will have the characteristics as the vampire and will bring havoc when it's true power awakens once it reach maturity" hanabusa explained and I just listened to every word he said "so your saying that I may be the said descendant???" I asked him and he nodded in response "if what you said is true....." I stared as I put a hand on my chin "theoretically speaking when does a vampire reach maturity???" I asked him "around 16-17 they stop aging and their powers or special ability starts to become more powerful" he said "then if what you said is true and I am the said descendant...then we don't have much time" I said "what do you mean???' He asked me but as I was about to answer him I heard another voice speak "she's turning 16 in less than a month" I turned around and saw zero walking towards us " long have you been there???" I asked him "long enough to know what's going on" he said as he look at me and as our eyes meet I suddenly remembered what he did to me a few weeks ago causing me to look away from him with a small blush on my face "your turning 16 in less than a month???" Hanabusa asked me "yeah my birthday is in 3 weeks" I answered "then zero's right we don't have much time" he said "well then we should hurry is what you said is true then their must be away to stop that prophecy from happening, so where's the book???" I asked him "it's in my family's mansion" he said "then pack your bags, we're going on a trip" I said as Hanabusa nodded "I'll tell this to the headmaster so that he will know where we are going" zero said "what do you mean by 'we' ???" Hanabusa asked zero "I'm not going to let Lilliana go off with someone like you" zero said and I can see that Hanabusa was about to answer back and it will turn out to be another childish fight between them "we don't have time for this,zero go and inform the headmaster and Hanabusa you go pack your bags" I said and they both nodded their heads and did what they where told well that's weird they didn't even argue with me, oh well I thought as I start to run back to my dorm to pack my bags.

(Aido's P.O.V)

"we don't have time for this,zero go and inform the headmaster and Hanabusa you go pack your bags" as lili-chan said, well more like commanded us, I was about to argue back but there was this strange force that made me stop.

As I finished packing my bags I told akatsuki where I was going and that I might be gone for a few days,after that I went to the headmaster's office thinking that i'll find lili-chan there and I was right, she was waiting inside with zero "alright since your all here,I have something to tell" the headmaster started "zero explained what's happening here and I hope that the two of you will do everything you can to protect her, because if what zero have said is true something bad might happen" the headmaster said and me and zero nodded "well then we should get going the mansion is quite far from here is we want to be there before dark" I said and headmaster see us to the gate "take care now" he said as we got in the car "we'll do" lili-chan said as we left for the mansion.

(??? P.O.V)

My lord, I just saw lady Celestina leave cross academy accompanied by two vampires, it appears like they are going somewhere far" a servant of mine said "brilliant, everything is going according to my plan" I said as my servant bowed and leave I only need two more vampires and all of the pieces I'll need will be in one place I thought as a smirk made it's way on my face "soon we'll be united my love and together we will bring forth a new era" I said as I look at the picture of my beloved Celestina.


Alright I finally finished this chapter and once again sorry for a super duper really truly late update, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though it's a bit short, and I want to thank you guys for being really patient anyways Christmas is almost near from where I live only 6 more mins and it's already Christmas so yeah ohh and one more thing I'll be uploading a preview on what will happen on the following chapters so stay tuned anyways merry Christmas to all of you~❤️❄️🌨☃⛄️

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