Chapter 8- The Trip

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It was a pretty weird hotel room. It was almost like an apartment. There were three different rooms and six of us, so it worked out pretty good. Two of the rooms had two twin beds and one had a king-sized bed. Kian, Sam, and I were the first ones there so I decided that I would take the room with the king-sized bed. Trevor was staying in a room with his parents, so he came over after he settled in. The couch was a pull out bed, so someone was going to have to sleep on it.

When Ricardo and Jc got in the room, they took one of the rooms with the twin beds. Sam and Kian took the other. Ricky was the last to arrive. He got stuck on the couch. He questioned why I got the bedroom with the king-sized bed instead of the couch and I reminded him that I was the only girl and girls needed privacy. We all laughed then watched a movie. After that it was time for bed.

When I woke up, there was a note from Kian on the fridge.


              We had to go pretty early. Call me when you see this. If you want to come down we are in the ball room section of the hotel. I think it's room 6. We left you a pass on the counter. You have to have it to get past security. We'll be back a 1:15 for a lunch break.

                                                                                                             -The Best Brother In The World


I got some yogurt and granola and watched some cartoons. When I got done I figured that I should probably get ready. I went to the bathroom and took a long shower. When I finally got out I went to my room wrapped in my towel to get some clothes. I figured that since no one was there it didn't matter that I was just in my towel.

As I was walking through the living room, a heard the TV on. I could've sworn that I turned that off. I went to my room and put on a bra and some panties from Victoria Secret. It was only 11:30 so I didn't bother getting dressed the rest of the was. I was on my way to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and straighten it when I heard someone talk.


I jumped and looked over to see Sam sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?!"

"I had to come and check on you because you didn't call Kian."

"Oh. I knew that I forgot to do something."

"What? Did you forget to put clothes on?" Sam said laughing.

I had completely forgot that I was practically naked. I blushed and looked towards my room. "I'm going to go get dressed."

When I turned to go back to my room I felt Sam wrap his arms around me and pull me to him. He then whispered into my ear "No. It's okay. You don't have to."

I wasn't sure how I felt about Sam. He was right about Jarrad and how he tried to use me. Maybe things could be different with Sam. But would Kian approve? I wasn't sure. But I did know one thing. I needed to take things slower with him. At least for now.

"Sam let go" I said while trying to move his arms.

This only made him tighten his grip. "Sam please. Let me go."

"Not until you say that you'll give me a chance."

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

"No. If you can look into my eyes and tell me that you don't feel anything for me, I'll let go of you."

"Sam I can't."

"Then tell me exactly how you feel."

"I....I just......I feel like......I" That's when I felt a tear start to roll down my cheek. "Sam just please let me go!!!" I said that weakly. My voice so faint that it was almost a whisper.

I think that he heard the hurt in my voice. He loosened the grip that he had on me and let me go. As I ran away he grabbed my wrist and I pulled my wrist away from him, but I couldn't get away from him. He picked me up and asked me what was wrong.

"Can I just get dressed first?"

"Yeah sure. I'll make us some coffee."

That's when I left to get dressed. He just sat there looking confused.

***SAM'S POV***

Did I do something wrong? Was it me that made her cry? I didn't mean to make her feel bad. I think that I may have went to far. I think that I'll back off for a while. I hate seeing her like this. It's all my fault that she broke up with Jarrad. I was the one that woke him up and told him that Jarrad wasn't in the room.

-Flashback to that night-

I woke up and got thirsty. I went downstairs and drank some Arizona. I was on my way back upstairs when I passed Jessie's room. She was saying something. I couldn't understand it so I put my ear up to the door.

"Mmm Jarrad, Ohh Jarrad, Jarrrrraaaaad"

She was moaning his name. My heart sank. I felt like throwing up. Crying. Then anger flushed through me. She chose Jarrad over me. I knew that he was using her. I opened the door to see him on top of her with their shirts off.

That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I went and told Kian that Jarrad was in Jessie's room and she was moaning his name. And he went off on them.

-Flashback over-

She came back dressed in a short pink and white dress on and some white sandals. Her long wavy brown hair was put in a bun on the top of her head. She looked beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. I had to make her mine, but right now, I needed to give her some space.


I walked back into the the kitchen where Sam was and I told him everything. How I wasn't sure about my feelings for him. And how I wasn't over Jarrad. And how no matter what I knew that I needed him in my life. Because he made me feel safe. He made me know that everything was going to be okay.

Before I knew it, it was 1:15 and the boys were back in the room. Everything was okay. I knew that I was going to be fine. They asked Sam what happened and he told them that he lost track of time watching TV and drinking coffee. After they ate lunch, everyone told me how nice I looked and they headed back downstairs.

But before leaving, Kian said "Hey we're all going to play would you rather and truth or dare and maybe film some videos or do a live show when we get back, so get all prettied up. I know how you always have to look good."

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