Chapter Eight

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We continued to drive. Tyler had written a list of directions before all hell broke lose.
The paper was now crumpled and the corner was covered in blood but it was still easily read.
We drove in silence, not knowing what to say. I shifted slightly, everyone's spirits were down.
"Maybe you could turn the radio on?" I suggested, desperately hoping to end the silence.
Jackson turned the radio on low, the calm melody of an unfamiliar song filling the quiet car.
We turned a corner onto yet another long road, how far away was this place, it felt like we had been driving for ages.
I looked at the clock 5:46PM it would be getting dark soon.
While we drove I watched the scenery. The sky was still blue but the sun was casting long shadows on the road from the trees and houses that we passed.
I closed me eyes, surprised that I might actually fall asleep after all this time.
I took a deep breath deciding to give in and sleep for a while, just until we got to the camp. The car lurched a few times before sputtering and coming to a slow stop.
"No. No, no, no, dammit!" Jackson slammed his palms against the steering feeling turning the key a couple times to try and start the car but it was useless.
"Shit! We are so close!" Catherine yelled gripping the directions in her hand.
Well, I was wide awake again. Jackson hopped out of the truck kicking it. I jumped, squeezing my eyes shut, I couldn't deal with this right now. I groaned opening my door and practically falling out of the car, I didn't have enough energy for this.
The others followed. We all stood quietly, looking at the stalled truck.
"What now?" Maggie asked finally.
"We walk." Ash answered.
And so we did. I was exhausted. After running the last few days it was finally hitting me.
As we walked I walked slower, watching my feet made it seem like we were walking faster but after a while it also made me feel dizzy so I leaned against Ash for support.
I saw something out of the corner of my eye, a person.
My head snapped to the side but no one was there. I frowned.
"Lydia? Are you okay?" Ash stopped me stepping in front of me. I smiled a little nodding.
"Sorry I swear I saw someone." I said shaking my head. I guess I can add hallucinating to my list of crazy recent events.
We continued to walk, there was nothing else to do or say.
"How far away is it?" Maggie groaned after a few minutes, dragging her feet.
Jackson pulled the directions out of his pocket looking in front of us and then back down to the map.
"When this road ends there is a trial, we follow that and we should be there sooner that later." He replied shoving the directions back in his pocket.
We all sighed and continued along the road in silence. As we walked the sun began to set casting a fiery red grow across the sky. The road was a lot longer than I hopped it to be but finally we made it to the trail.
As we entered the trail I looked back at the long road. The truck we had abandoned looked to be the size of an ant. We had come so far.
The sun slowly slipped below the tree lines leaving us to walk the trail in the dark. If we didn't make it soon we would either get lost or hurt.
Branches and leaves crunched from underneath our feet as we walked and with every step deeper into the woods I became more and more worried. What if they weren't there? What if we aren't alone right now? We could have been followed, in fact they are probably hot on our trail.
"Guys wait." Catherine said causing us all to freeze in our tracks.
"Do you hear that?" She asked.
Ash sucked in a breath, "Water. We are close."
We picked up the pace eager to get to the camp. Hopefully they don't shoot us upon arrival.
We continued to walk for what seemed to be another hour, the rushing water growing louder by the minute.
Finally we saw light ahead of us. As we approached the camp we could hear voices and we could see they had guards.
When we were finally a few feet away they noticed us raising their guns.
"Wait! Please! Don't shoot!" Maggie cried. They didn't move from their positions but they didn't fire either. We entered the camps boarder keeping our hands raised.
"Please. We just need somewhere safe to stay." I said, the multiple guns pointed at us were making me nervous. We should have come up with a plan.
"Lydia?" I turned my head in the direction of my aunts voice. I put my arms down running into her embrace. It was comforting to be with her, especially after losing so much.
"Your okay! Where are the boys?" She asked, her eyes searching for her two sons. I looked down staying quiet, I couldn't break the news to her.
She covered her mouth realization crossing her face. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She placed her hand under my chin pulling my face up so my eyes met hers.
"I'm sure you did everything you could." She answered, but tears welled in her eyes.
"Joan?" My uncle appeared behind her, worry crossing his face. He looked past his wife at me, then my friends.
"They are with us let them through." He announced to the guards and they lowered their weapons in response.
"Come." He beckoned for us to follow and we did. We entered a larger tent which had been set up as a small home. They gave us food and water before handing us all blankets and assuring us it was safe to rest.
Soon enough everyone was asleep, except me. I sat outside the tent letting the cool night air chill my skin. I heard the tent open and my uncle sat down next to me a second later.
"Did they fight hard till the end?" He asked catching me off guard. I looked at him sadly but nodded. He allowed a small smile in return.
"They were like their mother in that way. Always fighting, arguing, so full of life and energy. They made me proud." A single tear fell from his eye catching the light of the torch outside the tent.
I sighed. I was so tired of fighting, feeling restless, hopeless. I wanted this to end. Soon.
"Go to sleep kid, you will need your rest, tomorrow is the last day we will be here then we are moving camp." My uncle announced moving back inside the tent.
Get some sleep. I can't sleep. I have tried. So many times. I have felt everything and been allowed no rest.
I laid back in the dirt and taking a breath, I needed to try, maybe if I sleep then I can do this, survive this however long it will be. I closed my eyes, well, here goes nothing.

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