Ash Thatcher

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Okay, I really want to know what you think of Ash, so please share with me your thoughts, because I'm biased. I love him and so does @DPSKitty so I want to know if anyone else likes him.

The sound of the chair legs scraping against the floor hurt my ears as I dragged it into the room. Pi sat in his cell, humming quietly, and as I entered, he raised an eyebrow and twirled his fedora on his finger. Then, he rolled his eyes and didn't say a word as I positioned the chair outside his cell. I sat silently.

It'd been six days since Pi was arrested. I wasn't supposed to take guard duty concerning him, but I had insisted that I could do it, emotional issues or otherwise. Yes, social anxiety was a problem of mine, but I knew Pi. It wasn't like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Mostly.

I heard a familiar tune from the musical Pi performed in (he was an actor, dancer, and magician), then a pause. He cursed under his breath. Immediately, I felt the impulse to apologize, so I did.

Pi looked at me and said, "I would be more likely to accept zhat if it came wizh explanation. About all of it. Everything you know. Just start from zhe beginning." I nodded slowly in agreement and began. He asked nicely; I couldn't just ignore the request, could I?

"Well, Yumi overheard Annie and I talking about you at the coffee shop, right before Annie was leaving for the airport. She invited me to meet her at an address and she said she knew people that could h-help me g-get over my issues. We met here, and I got the whole story about the Legion They convinced me to join," I paused and tugged at my shirt collar, right above my tattoo, "and they asked me what skills I had. I told them, and then they asked me to come up with a plan to get you here."

"And what is zhe Legion?"

"W-We're a group of ordinary humans that either have a bone to pick with magic or are Irish."

"...Irish?" I nodded. "Zhat's... oddly specific," Pi said before clearing his throat, "So, zhe charges against me zhat I was unaware of. Explain zhem."

"The forced public nudity was when you took Nicole's clothes."

"Oui, I understand zhat one. How did zhey know about zhat? Zhat was in zhe company of friends only."

"Nicole was complaining to a fellow member and it got reported. She wasn't going to report you herself, but it was kind of inevitable. Not the best idea to complain about a magician to a White Legion member."

Pi groaned. "I knew it... You said Irish..." He sighed and asked, "What else have I got against me? Emotional manipulation, was it?"

I felt my face grow hot and I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, then answered, "It was, um, y'know, the whole ordeal with M-Melissa... That's just how they t-translated it..." I mentally winced when I thought about that situation.

"Zhis is stupid. Zhey, whoever zhey are, are stupid. I don't even want to know about zhe 'minor infractions' I'm being charged for."

I glared a moment at Pi. "N-No, they aren't stupid! They're nice people!"

The brunette looked irritably at me and rolled his pale gray eyes. "Ash, I have been arrested for literally no good reason. I wouldn't call zhat nice."

"They're just biased," I protested. "Everyone has a reason for their grudge against magic-"

"Grudge against magic. I suppose you have one as well?" Pi interrupted. He placed his fedora on his head. "Or is it a grudge against me? Because zhose are two different zhings!" Speechlessly, I stared into my lap and fiddled with the zipper of my jacket. Pi continued, "Zhe reasons I am here are not good reasons, Ash. I have not harmed someone. I have not stolen anyzhing. I have not killed anyone. My magic is used for fun, pranks, and silliness. You know zhat. Nicole knows zhat. Everyone who knows me well knows zhat."

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