The Housecall

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Brandon went up toward the door confidently with His young wife beside him. A bit concerned, He turned to look at her lovely face.

"Are you sure you want to go on with this?"

"Of course, I won't be able to live with myself if I knew there was something we could've done for this child and we don't. My conscience would turn me insane." Brandon let down his guard for a bit, giving her one of his private smiles. Just then the maid answered the door.

"Colonel, good day. M'lady. The missus will receive you in the parlor. Right this way if you please. The home was small and quaint, but nicely furnished. Enough for the young lady. And her maid. . . And her child.

"Please come in, sit down, would you like some tea?" Eliza offered.

"We don't mean to take too much of your time Eliza," said Brandon, then looking at Marianne, "how are you feeling? Do you want tea dear?" he asked her.

"Brandon, I'm fine. Don't fuss, please go on with what you were going to say." She said a little impatient. She was anxious to see him. To see Willoughby 's son. Was he dark like his father? Most likely he was since his mother was of dark features as well. Eliza was a pretty young woman of say...nineteen by now, only a year younger than Marianne.

"How have you been Eliza? Everything fine, I hope?"

"Oh yes sir, I'm fine I thank you." Her full lips smiled in appreciation for his attentions.

"And the child?" Marianne interjected, looking around, hoping that she might get a glimpse of him.

"Oh, Ivan is with a bit of a cold right now, I've got him tucked in right now."

"Oh, I do hope he recovers soon!" Marianne's good intentions often got the best of her emotions. Brandon reached over to hold his wife's hand. She was a little nervous

"Yes well, Eliza. We have in fact come to speak to you about the boy." She turned to look at him curiously.

"Yes? What about Ivan?"

"No, it is nothing you need to worry about. I just have a proposition for you. And I hope you will say yes, I've planned this for the good you and the boy in mind." Eliza nodded, waiting for him to go on. "I want to offer to take the boy off your hands. I want to take him as my own ward. Marianne and I would like to do all we can for the boy. Have him study with the best tutors, raise him as our own and have him go to the university, to distinguish himself. As for you, you can enter social life and build yourself back up again. Nobody will know need to know about Ivan."

"You mean to take responsibility of him?" her face seemed alarmed, almost panicked

"Yes, I plan to make him my ward. He will have the best we have to offer him Eliza. Think, he will have an education, he can choose to distinguish himself. If you do not wish to marry, perhaps he will be able to look after you in your old age."

"You know, he is my only kin. I have no one else." Her voice was strained.

"For now, we think it is best that he should be removed to live with us. It will help you and him to progress with your lives. When he is a man, we can arrange to tell him everything, but for now, while he is still young it is easier for no one to ask questions. It is safer for both you and the boy Eliza."

Eliza understood well what the Colonel was offering both to her and her son. But a mother's attachment to her child couldn't even conceive being parted from him.

"Might I be allowed to think about your offer? I understand you are being very generous to both of us." She did not wish to cause offense to her benefactor after everything he had done for them. The colonel turned to his wife, holding her hand firmly.

"We understand perfectly. We will wait to hear word from you Eliza."

"Thank you, both of you." She felt she couldn't say any more. There was a lot of raw emotion rising in her throat. From the rumors she had heard, Eliza knew Marianne had nearly died from heartbreak after Willoughby acted brashly with her as well and here she was wanting to help her and her boy!"

They were interrupted by a small voice that came from the door behind her, "Mama?"

"Ivan! My boy, why are you out of bed. Come here!" his feet pattered quickly towards her ash she raised her arms to lift him in her lap. Kissing his dark brown locks, she introduced everyone. "Ivan, we have guests, say hello to Colonel Brandon and his lovely wife Mrs. Brandon. Go on, be a gentleman like I've taught you."

Marianne watched amused as the dark haired boy climbed down his mother's lap and slowly walked towards them. He stopped before approaching the sofa and looked back at his mother as if to ask, "Do I really have to."

"Go on Ivan." His mother said firmly.

"Hello Ivan!" Marianne exclaimed. The boy skipped the Colonel and went directly to Mrs. Brandon, extending his hand politely, "How are you?"

"How do you do" his mother corrected. "I'm afraid his vocabulary is still a little limited" she smiled.

Marianne admired the boy. She could tell he was going to be quite a looker. He had two very good looking parents, it only made sense. Eliza's own mother had been a high born lady and she had inherited delicate features. It didn't make one wonder why Willoughby took an interest in her. It was sad she was too young and naïve, and had fallen prey of his worldly ways.

It was hard for impatient Marianne to leave without a definite answer, especially after seeing the boy. She supposed it would happen in due time. Eliza perhaps, wanted to enjoy her last moments with the boy. It would be years if ever, they saw one another again after an early separation. 

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