A Vigorous Ride

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She clutched Marlow's reigns tighter as she urged him onward, faster! She leaned down on her saddle, her cheek resting on Marlow's head. A quick look backwards and she saw them. They were right on her tail, but they wouldn't catch her, she laughed insanely to herself. Romola had however underestimated their proximity to the shore, while Marlow did not. She wouldn't stop though. They would get there before the rest of them!

Faint calls were heard and Marlow whinnied.

"Not now boy, don't mind them. They don't stand a chance." The dark shadows behind them were quickly becoming two figures.

'Stop!' she heard them yell. Only these words rang 'go on' in her ears. She was practically laughing her head off at them when Marlow went to a sudden stop. It jolted her off her saddle as she went flying forward.

"Get her!" the two young men shouted.

But it was all too late. Romola had already gone under. Her white lace petticoats were the last to be seen, filled with air and floating on the surface like sails of a sinking ship. Marlow whinnied uncontrollably, huffing and standing on his hind feet as he lost sight of his rider.

The oldest of the two men went under first pulling fistfuls of cloth. The second one looked on at first not sure if what was happening in front of him was real. Then, finally reacting, he scrambled into the water and began to help pull the young girl out. Her head had slammed into one of the jagged rocks by the shore reef. This shore was dangerous and usually no one ever wandered off this far. But Romola wasn't just anyone.

They pulled her out onto the wet sandy surface. The two took turns slapping her back, causing her to choke all the sea water out, but she began to lose consciousness afterward. The younger man went white as he saw all the blood that ran down the side of her brow and neck.

"Quick! Get to Betancourt as fast as you can. Send for the doctor."

"No." he responded firmly.  "I'll take her." 

The eldest looked him over. He wasn't strong enough to support her weight on the horse for too long, not with the added weight of all that soaking cloth.
"It's best if I do it, go now and don't argue with me boy.  Get Marlow and hurry home!" He was already struggling with the buttons holding the dress in place at the back. Removing the girl from the many layers, she was much lighter now. He wrapped her in his cape and pulled her on horseback with him. Although a slip of a girl, he knew her brother would not have been able to get her back home fast enough. 

They were off! The younger one caused quite a commotion upon arriving at the Betancourt estate when he spread the news of their youngest mistress. The whole household hovered around when she finally arrived. The sight of her state as she was brought riding in rose goosebumps, causing a loud stir.

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