My eyes widen "You have? Where is he?"

"He's being questioned Grace" he replies vaguely, I tilt my head slightly as I stare at him.

"Can I see him?"

"No" Xavier answers immediately. "Why would you want to?"

"Because he's supposed to be my Father and I have questions I want to ask him as well."

"We don't ask questions the way you ask questions Grace" he runs a hand through his hair. "I don't want you anywhere near him."

"You're hurting him?" I ask, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. Yes my Dad isn't a good person, yes I'm annoyed at him and yes I want to know why he's hurt us. But he's still my Dad, I still want answers and a large part of me still loves him and doesn't want him getting hurt.

"This isn't happy families Grace, this is a gang. We don't sit down and have a cup of coffee while we wait for him to apologize for everything he's done" His tone is colder than before. "You need to realize where you are."

"I realize where I am" I reply, my tone matching his "I just thought you would tell me if you were going to hurt someone I care about."

Xavier's face darkens into a scowl. "Grace, the man is dangerous and manipulative, he doesn't care about you, I'm trying to protect you. He tried to kill your best friend, doesn't that tell you how fucked up he is?"

"Yes it does" my voice is louder than I realize it will be. "But he's still been my Dad for 18 years and all I want is to ask him questions Xavier, do you know how much this hurts? You only care about him because of some stupid document and I can't even understand how he's capable of doing anything like that."

"Grace that stupid document is proof that he's killed hundreds of people, lots of them innocent people. Life is shit alright, it sucks. You have to get over it and grow up because the world is only going to hurt you and I'm only trying to keep you safe."

"How is hurting my Dad keeping me safe?"

"Grace he's a criminal. He'd kill you if he got the chance." Xavier growls bluntly, his eye are dark and hollow, all emotion almost gone.

"You're a criminal too Xavier" I don't mean for a tear to fall from my eye but it does, I'm just so frustrated and confused. "All I want to do is understand why he's like this and why he's lied to me my whole life. Wouldn't you want to find out if that was your Dad?"

"Why do you have to be so stupid Grace?" I flinch and step backwards as Xavier steps forward, a scary look now covering his face. "He's fucking-"

"Is everything alright in here?" Noah pushes the door open and walks inside without permission, frowning at my tear stained face and Xavier's angry figure. "Xavier go calm down."

Xavier scoffs, pushing the hand Noah's placed on his shoulder off. "Don't come in here acting like some kind of hero in front of her, have you told her about all the girls you've-"

"That's enough Xavier" Noah warns. "Get out and calm the fuck down."

Xavier doesn't glance in my direction as he storms out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him so Noah and I are the only ones in the bedroom.

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