"There is no other maiden here! They have all been claimed!" I explained but it was if my persuasion wasn't working.

"I don't care Chres! And being honest why would any virgin want you in the first place? You're evil, harsh, irrational, arrogant, and you have a bad temper! Why don't you go on Earth and find a maiden?" I felt nothing as she insulted me but that little bulb in my head light up.

"Very well, good day Ms. Diana!" Confidently, I fixed my toga and walked out of the room.

"Wait, Chres I was just-" before she could finish I transported myself onto Earth.

"Now who will be my wife?" I whispered to myself. It was dark so it was a little hard to see. I heard footsteps and instantly made myself invisible to the mortal eye.

"Hello!" I bellowed when I realized it was a female that looked my age.

"Who is there?"She frantically looked around trying to see somebody but failed.She ran like her life depended on it around the woods twisting and dodging trees.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

"You can't escape me." I shouted definitely blowing her eardrums. I watched as she cowered down and backed up into a tree. She then buried her head into her knees. Eagerly I waited for her to look up. Once she did I transported myself in front of her. I gave myself an amazing introduction. I greeted her with a large swarm of tiny white lights. Then I turned myself into my regular form.

"Why are you trying to hide from me?" I hissed at her.

"I don- I don't know. What d-do you w-w-want from me?" She stuttered in fear.

"What's your name?" I questioned bending down to her level.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

"R-Robyn?" She answered uneasily.

"Well Robyn I'm Chresanto the great and power. The god of the earth you are my new wife. Now undress your self at once so I can see what I'm dealing with!" Out of fear I'm guessing she instantly obeyed.

"Nice." I purred as I removed my white toga.

"What are you going to do to me?" She cried in fear.

"Silence!" I commanded.

"Good." I commended while I spread her legs apart.

"Ay it looks so nice and neat. To bad I'm about to destroy that!" I moaned into her vagina.


"Wow a virgin you did a very good job!" I complimented as I put my toga back on.

"Don't you know how to say thank you?" I growled causing her to flinch.

"T-thank you!" She replied quickly.

"You should get used to this okay. I'm yours and you're mine until eternity." I warned her and in response She nodded her head.

"And don't bother falling for any man of this earth because if you do he will be killed." I said before disappearing into thin air. Before I disappeared though I dropped off some milk and eggs because prior to me getting some Robyn I noticed that she had a list of groceries in her hand.

*End of Flashback*

I smirked to myself chuckling lightly in remembrance of that day. That was the tightest Robyn has ever been and I wish she would have stayed that tight. But unfortunately for me I'm a rough person and she had a child despite my warning. She'll learn one day though.

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