Chapter 4

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"I'm honestly SOOOO sorry John!" I repeated at least 50 times.

"It's fine! Pizza sauce doesn't stain!" he joked, "Hey, plus, chicks dig messy, rebellious guys, right?"

I laughed. "What are you rebelling against? Cleanliness?"

"Maybe!" He laughed back.

"This was fun," I smiled, "probably the most fun I've had in a while!"

"Maybe this could be a weekly thing?" he said smiling.

I started getting lost in his eyes when I realized the time.

"We really should go." I suggested.

"Yeahh...well hey, I had fun too."

I couldn't help but smile as we left and he opened the car door for me.




John: Hey, I heard a rumor it's your birthday! Happy birthday Sammy!

Me: Haha oh thanks!

Alice: So how's it feel to be old? :) <3

Me: Well so far it consisted of a text from John ;) haha

Alice: Cuteee :) haha

Me: Yeah, yeah haha shushhh!

John: Did you want a ride to school? Haha. I figured the bus on your birthday might kinda be a downer. Haha.

Me: Sounds like a plan! Haha

"Sammmyyyyy!" my aunt calls, "Birthday breakfast!"

I came running down the steps in a pair of light grey/purple-ish skinny jeans and my cut off purple hoodie.

"Good morning!" I hugged her, "I'm gonna have to eat quick though, I have to be ready for my ride!"

"Alice doesn't have her licence?" she said questioningly.

"Yeah, but John does" I said smiling.

"Ohhh! Do tell!"

"Well.." I laughed, then explained the whole story of the football, which she knew I just felt no need to include John at the time, the exchanging of numbers, the walking to classes, etc.

"Sounds cute!" she joked nudging me, "looks cute too!" she winked.

I looked up realizing he had been walking up to the door.

"I'll see you later!" I said as I hugged her.


"Hey!" I said opening the door and swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Happy birthday!" he said as he hugged me. It wasn't nearly as awkward as I had imagined it would be if I had done it.

"Umm..thanks!" I laughed.

"I'm sorry! Was that weird? If it was jus--"

I hugged him back.

"Completely weird free" I reassured and smiled.

"Cool" he laughed.

"Alice!" I said shocked, realizing she had come in early to decorate my locker. "You're so insanely crazy!"

"Anytime!" she beamed. I could really tell her advanced art classes had payed off!

I put in my combination and listened to Alice talk about how insanely long it had taken her and all the stores she had to go to to find the right shade of lime green and purple streamers when I opened the locker and a note fell. I looked at Alice and she was as suprised as me.

"Samantha Jo Redding,

Happy 17th birthday, I know it's been quite some time since I've talked to you, mostly because I was afraid of your father. Even after the accident. I think we're going to need to talk, in person. Soon. I want you to know I wasn't leaving you. It was him. I tried taking you too but...I'm sorry. But I've missed you and I tried writing but your father always sent the letters back to the post office. I just want you to know I love you. I'll make up the past few years. I promise. I'll find a way to reach you, but you can't tell anyone I'm here. Soon Sammy.



Her elegent writing style, the way the note smelled, the way it felt, it was all so surreal. Is it real?


I think that was Alice.


Some sobbing. Definately Alice. I tried to talk. I tried to breath. Nothing but blackness.

"Sammy, Ithe nurse called an ambulance, I promise you'll be okay..."

John? It was definately John. What was going on? What just happened?

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