Running From Fate

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I’ve ran my whole life. Well, almost. I started running when I was 8 after my dad beat my mom to the point of leaving. I figured “Hey she ran from her problems, so can I.” It doesn’t always work that way though. Some problems are beyond running. At 10 my dad died in a drunken car wreck, although I can’t say he didn’t have it coming considering he almost killed my mom. Currently I’m 16, living in Maine with my aunt Stacey, and still running today. Everyday I feel like "This is the day I'll be normal." Everyday I wait for normal to hit.            

This running thing I do, it’s to keep me from thinking. I have situational anxiety. It acts up around people, animals, swimming class, you name it. I even had my doctor take me out of swimming and convinced Ms. Hill, my English teacher, to let me eat lunch in her room. I’m not ugly by any means. I’ve been called attractive; I’m not some ugly girl who wears a bag on her head while she runs for fun. I just don’t have confidence. In myself. In others. In anything. Probably because of the whole crazy home life. It’s whatever though because I’m happier with my aunt. She doesn’t smother, she’s not over protective, she works as a guidance councilor, and she’s practically my therapist. Another thing you should know before I start is my aunt has no kids, and a ton of money, so if I wanted to buy friends, I could. I don’t though. Okay now we start.

Running From FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora