The dance

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Me, Jaylee, Percy and Jason headed to the main building where the dance was being held.

"Do I look okay?" Jaylee asked, still a little insecure about her hair.

"You look fine sis." I replied" I've got the same hairstyle now."

"I guess you're right, my hair doesn't define who I am. And we don't look bad at all." She said, smiling confidently as we walked into the building. I felt more people staring as we walked by them but it didn't bother me, I was doing this for my sister. Percy, Jason, Jaylee and I found a spot near the DJ and started dancing, the DJ finished the song that was playing and started a slow dance song. He put his arm around my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder, we held each others hands and started dancing. I glanced over at Jaylee, who was smiling brighter than ever. After what seemed like a few minutes but was really a couple hours, we had to go back to the dorms.

I said goodby to Percy and walked back to the dorm with Jaylee.

"Thanks for doing this for me, I mean, you didn't need to shave your hair off." She said again.

"I told you already, I did it because you're my sister and I know you'd do it for me." I replied. When we got back to the dorm, we saw something I didn't expect at all. All our friends were there, and they were throwing a welcome home party for Jaylee.

"Oh my gosh guys!" She yelled "You didn't need to do this for me."

"You're our friend Jaylee, we missed you this week and we wanted you to see that you have friends who care for you." Mikayla said. "Autumn, what did you do to your hair?"

"I shaved it off." I said like it was something I did every day." I know that I love my hair, but I love my sister even more, that's why I did this. So she wouldn't be alone." And with that, we started a balloon war, me, Jaylee, Percy and Jason on one team, Mikayla, Cadsidy, Erika and Maddie on the other. We won, as usual and than we had a peice of blue ice cream cake while putting on a movie called the horses of McBride. All in all, it was an amazing day and I couldn't have wished for better Friends or family. "autumn can you work Noel for the four weeks I'm out?" jaylee suddenly asks. "of course anything for my sister." I reply. "Thank you it sucks getting a new horse but not being able to do anything because of an injury." jaylee complains laying on her bed. "I know remember when I got moon and fell of her and broke my leg" I reply. "Yeah you had me work with moon for three weeks while you healed" she smiled as if thinking of the happy memory. "now I get to do the same to you" I told her. "thank you autumn for being such a good little sister" she says smiling. "oh shut up I'm only younger by eight minutes" I tell her laughing.

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